Miami Heat Fans Challenged to Fan Up — Blame LeBron!

Let me get this straight — the Miami Heat spent hundreds of millions to sign LeBron James and Chris Bosh, as well as resign Dwyane Wade, and they can’t get people to show up to games?!? That’s hilarious! To combat the ambivalence and ennui permeating Miami, the Miami Sound Marketing Machine has released this commercial urging fans to “fan up!” The marketers hope that the spot will lead to fans attending the games — showing up on time and staying until the game is over.

Author: RPadTV

23 thoughts on “Miami Heat Fans Challenged to Fan Up — Blame LeBron!”

    1. I've been to two games this season so far, but like Smartguy said, it's hard to do during the week since I am usually at work until 7:30 and the games usually start at around that time or 7:00 p.m.


  1. NBA games during the week are difficult honestly. Reasons are obvious no matter how good the team is doing.

    1. That's true for most teams. I think all arenas should have public transportation options. The Knicks have sucked for like a decade, but people still go to the games because it's easy — you have the subway and Long Island Railroad.

      Maybe I should rewrite R-Truth's song to something like this: "People in Miami fan up!"

      1. I don't drink at the games since a beer costs $8 and a mixed drink is $10. So that's out the door. The distance factor for me specifically is crossing a 24 mile bridge into NOLA and then dealing with traffic in and out of the game. If the game starts at 7 or 8 and ends after 10, it will easily be after 11 when I get home which is no good since I get to work pretty early.

        Even if I lived 10 minutes away I wouldn't take public transit. It's not my thing. I prefer the independence a vehicle gives me.

    2. Would you be willing to do an avatar wager between the Heat and the Hornets? I'm still looking for my vengeance from last year's Saints/Dolphins game.


  2. Yeah, I saw this ad campaign when I was at the AA Arena last week for the Raptors' game. It was kind of stupid that they were playing it INSIDE the arena during the game. The purpose of this ad campaign is to get people that DON'T go to the game inside. If we are already at the game, we don't need to be told to go to the game. Dumbasses. Oh well, I guess they are trying to encourage people to come back for the next game as well.

    Anyway, for those of you who don't live in Miami, I have to say that we have the most fair-weather fans of probably any place in the US. There are a few reasons for this:

    1) The city (and surrounding suburbs) are very spread out and the public transportation system Metro Rail, People Mover, etc.) sucks so bad that upgrading to man-powered rickshaws would probably increase public usage by at least 50%.

    2) We have a humongous Latin American (i.e., yours truly) and international population as well. With all of this diversity, it is difficult for any one sport (basketball, football, baseball) to capture the interest of such a large portion of the population for any given period of time.

    3) Traffic. See point #1. On top of that, combine the congestion of LA's traffic, with the rudeness of NY drivers and add in several dozen pounds of incompetence and you have a clear picture of what it is like to drive on our streets.

    4) There are about 13,487 different events that happen every and any given night here. There is always something to do. These events compete with basketball, football and baseball games for patronage. Subsequently, because of no lack of activities to do, Miami has some of the lowest numbers in the country when it comes to people using meth.

    5) Believe it or not, there are people here in this city that, like Mr. Padilla, would not go to a game in protest of LeBron James being a dick. There are not many, but they are out there.

    6) The truth is; people don't really like to spend money and then get ripped off at the arena when they buy a $9 beer and a $7 hot dog.

    7) Location; The AA Arena is located one block east of Overtown- probably the worst neighborhood in all of Miami. I mean, this is the kind of place that has strip joints that only N8 would dare go to.

    I think that's about it. I'll try to make the 76'rs game next Friday if anyone wants to go with me if you happen to be in town.


      1. True, but the Lakers are an older basketball organization and a dynasty. Miami has not had the same amount of time the Lakers have had to cultivate generations of fans (or the Championships, for that matter).

        That is like saying: Chicago Cubs fans are more loyal and better supporters of their team than Marlins fans.

        That is true in part because the Cubs have had over 100 years to gain generations of fans, while the Marlins have only had 17 years.


      2. True about the history of the Lakers, but the Marlins do not have the most compelling mix of players in the league, so that comparison is a stretch. The fish are not getting mainstream press coverage for big free agents. The Heat have the biggest story in the NBA, but that hasn't translated to instant sellouts.

      3. I am not surprised at this in all honesty. Like Iceman said a while back, the only thing to sell out in Miami are the people.

  3. @Iceman

    The Lakers have an ass load of banners and fans from all over. The Clippers don't share their ticket selling success I'd wager. I'm also willing to bet teams like Chicago, Boston, Lakers, Knicks have a lot of corporate seat buyers so tickets are often handed out.

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