The Vatican Declares Homer J. Simpson Catholic

In case you’ve been wondering, Homer Simspon is Catholic…at least that’s the story the Vatican’s official newspaper, Osservatore Romano, is spreading.

In case you’ve been wondering, Homer Simspon is Catholic…at least that’s the story the Vatican’s official newspaper, Osservatore Romano, is spreading. Here’s the deal according to Reuters:

The newspaper cited a study by a Jesuit priest of a 2005 episode of the show called “The Father, the Son and the Holy Guest Star”. That study concludes that “The Simpsons” is “among the few TV programs for kids in which Christian faith, religion and questions about God are recurrent themes.”

Uh…wow. With all the problems in the world, I’m glad that the Roman Catholic Church is spending its time informing its followers of the religions of various animated cartoon characters. Well done.


Author: RPadTV

16 thoughts on “The Vatican Declares Homer J. Simpson Catholic”

  1. This is how they spend their time, rather than dealing with the rash of pedophilia that's rampant in their system? Lovely.

    I've got to say, I never quote under stood how the Pope didn't fall within that whole "I am the one true God, you shall have no other Gods before me," bit. or the part about false idols. But then again, that's probably why I'm a recovering Catholic.

    1. Nightshade, me and you have to have a discussion about this one day. Preferably, right after my debate on "Why FF8 Sucks" with Smartguy.

      Believe it or not, I came very close to being known as "Father Iceman". No joke. When I was a kid, I used to always dream about becoming a priest. I've even visited a seminary for priesthood when I was in junior high as a candidate since I got straight A's in religion class. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) it never panned out and I did not travel down that road.

      I realize that there are a lot of bad people in every organization, including the Catholic Church, and it truly hurts when a man of God defiles the trust of his community and others that try to cover up the situation instead of addressing it or rectifying it properly. I can only say that I am here today and I am the man I am today because one priest saved my father’s life from communist Cuba. Without him, I wouldn't even be here. Another priest married me to my wife and proved to be invaluable in his counsel and friendship. I've also known (at least one) bad priest that should have never been ordained. All I can ask is to not allow the actions of a few "messed-up-in-the-head" people overshadow all of the good that the thousands of others do in their everyday lives. It's almost like when Jack Thompson points and video games and says "THEY'RE EVIL AND CAUSING KIDS TO BE EVIL." and all of us sane people pointing to Kirby's Epic Yarn or N8's kid not burning down the place with a Molotov cocktail he saw daddy use in Dead Rising to "clean" the zombies.

      Besides, I'm sure if N8's kid even learned how to make a Molotov cocktail, it would be less from a video game and more from daddy on a recent trip to Miami after the Steelers’ crushing loss to the Dolphins.


      P.S.- The Pope does not violate the First Commandment since he is not worshiped as an idol (or at all, for that matter). In fact, he leads prayers to God and encourages others to pray and worship God, not himself. He is merely the leader of the Church and dictates policy with the council of bishops and cardinals. Think of him as a CEO and The Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) as the board members and owners of the Church.

      1. also a recovering catholic, but wow, great story iceman…the vast majority of priests are wonderful human beings, i feel bad that there is such a stigma against them now

        go rangers

  2. I'm sure this will piss people off for some reason or another. I think it's more funny than anything.

  3. Ha. Nice to see the Catholic Church having a sense of humor. Hey, if two towns in Scotland can argue over Groudskeeper Wille's origins, I guess anyone can "claim-a-Simpsons" with enough evidence compiled over 20-some-odd years of evidence to comb through.


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