RIM Posts a Completely Unimpressive BlackBerry OS 6 Video

RIM has posted another teaser video for BlackBerry OS 6…and I’m reminded of the immortal words of Sean Connery in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, “I’m waiting to be impressed.” I don’t see how this is supposed to excite anyone that has a basic knowledge of Apple iOS, Google Android, or Palm WebOS.

Perhaps I’m missing something. What do you think of the clip? Is there anything there that’s the least bit exciting or interesting?

Author: RPadTV


3 thoughts on “RIM Posts a Completely Unimpressive BlackBerry OS 6 Video”

  1. this is certainly everything we've seen out of the other OSs you mentioned Rpad. I have a few friends who are diehard RIM fans, so maybe they'll be excited about this. It certainly seems like a vast improvement from their other touchscreen phone. I think it was called the Blackberry Accident

  2. I plan on writing off BlackBerry soon. I can't tell if I am more tired of AT&Ts BS or my Blackberry. I am pretty sure it is mostly AT&Ts lack of phone support or good phones

  3. Its nice, but nothing amazing. Definitely not enough to keep me from looking at an android phone.

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