His Name is Prince…and He Hates the Internet

In a recent interview with The Daily Mirror, international music superstar Prince said some really dumb things about the Internet. His comments were ignorant, bitter, and…well, just flat-out stupid. Check it out:

The internet’s completely over. I don’t see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won’t pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they can’t get it.

The internet’s like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good.

They just fill your head with numbers and that can’t be good for you.

I realize that Prince lives in his own little world, but claiming that the Internet is over is just moronic. It’s a communications medium. Saying telephones and television are “completely over” would be just as stupid. Sure, he was talking about the Internet in terms of his music but even in that context his comments show out of touch he is with reality. I suppose I’m disappointed that one of the most creative and forward-thinking musicians of my generation hates the Internet.

What do you think of Prince’s comments?

Source via CrunchGear

Author: RPadTV


12 thoughts on “His Name is Prince…and He Hates the Internet”

  1. Well as someone who is out of touch, perhaps he is simply making statements for shock value to get more people talking about him for the moment…I don't know how his sales have been, but in general I would think some celebrities would do or say some things just for attention (not in today's society, neeever…HA).

    However, Prince says, "They just fill your head with numbers and that can’t be good for you." To me numbers in your head equals knowledge, so apparently to Prince knowledge does not equal power. Therefore he does not equate power or knowledge with the numbers that take up the amount in his bank account. Since those numbers are useless, I will gladly take all of those useless numbers and transfer them to my bank account and school loans. Just trying to do what I can to help.

  2. @Iceman

    Well if you do, at least you know you will get treated to a nice meal of pancakes out of the ordeal.

  3. arent artists supposed to be eccentric?

    dude plays a great guitar and he wrote "lets go crazy"….i dont really care what he thinks. even if its stupid.Hes prolly angry at the internets for killing his album sales…it may be awhile before i download anything by the artist formerly known as talented

  4. It sounds like Prince used to have someone handle the business side or does and spoke without having that person around or to do it for him.

  5. you know, call me old fashioned…but i think we should worship the sun and moon as powerful gods…and fear them

  6. @smartguy

    i think the human sacrifice is the still the standard offering for the Sun and Moon gods.

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