E3 2010 is finally out of my head (i.e. I’m no longer having flashbacks), so it’s time to get gaming again! I recently picked up Turtles in Time: Re-shelled and want to get my t-u-r-t-l-e power on. My ankle is gimped, so I’m going to use that as an excuse to stay in bed and play Glory of Heracles
How about you? What’s on you weekend playlist?
@ Rpad
If you need a team mate in TiT (lol) I have that game and need a few achievements. I will be playing SCC and the L4Ds.
@Big Blak Sounds good! I played a game as Raphael. Are the other characters any better?
Bioshock, Rainbow Six Vegas, maybe some Battlefield 1943 (just going for 100 matches total with only about 33 down), and Prey. I am finally going back to Prey and Bioshock in an attempt to get some more of the achievements I know I can get if I can just stop being bored with both of those games.
@ Rpad
I use Leonardo but mostly Donatello. The Leo has quicker attacks but I like the slower Don because of the length of his staff/rod/thingy.
I wanted to get a cheap used game to play and I think I'm going to get Prey, thanks!
Amazon has the Mad Catz Tournament Edition sticks on sale for $99.99. They're not the "Round 2" versions, but they're pretty excellent.
<iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=rt0b3-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&m=amazon&f=ifr&md=10FE9736YVPPT7A0FBG2&asins=B001M22WN8" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
@Big Blak
Pause. No homo.
Should 100% Red Dead soon, and then maybe finally beat bioshock.
I wasn't too impressed with it. I love the SNES or the Arcade version. But the new one I wasn't too thrilled with when they took out Be-Bop and Rocksteady.
@ Ray
If I use the link to the right to get to Amazon and make a purchase that helps you out right?
@ N8R
Damn, I got no homo'd on the interwebz…I'm slacking lol.
@big blak
i take you like playing with characters that have long rods huh?
@Big Blak
Yeah I think it is only $4 at gamestop now. If you get it let me know, we can boost the online achievements because no one is ever online with that game.
When I was playing it last night I realized what it reminded me of, and why I think I didn't go back to it for so long. It feels like an old version of Portal. The puzzles all have a similar nature and they are both about getting through the puzzles in pretty unique ways. And Prey does have portals of its own in the game, there are plenty of alien boxes that you go through that transport you to another alien box that you come out of. And Prey did come out first…wonder where Valve got the idea from? haha.
Just started another play through of Heavy Rain. Going for the platinum trophy.
Sounds like a plan I'll try and get it tonight.
Sounds good, probably anytime tomorrow would work for me if you wanna do that then. I work from 4-7am and I am free after that. I'll just be playing games and talking to the fiance on the phone.
Yea dude its $3.99 I'm going to pick it up after work, I was going to do it online but I'll make a bigger purchase for that. What time zone are you in, central?
I'm in Eastern. I'm gonna be going to bed a little early tonight since I have to be up at 3am or so for work at 4, but tomorrow will definitely work as well.
Aight, I'll familiarize myself with the game again tonight.
Lost and Damned.
Anybody up for some GTA4 mutli-player this weekend? Hit me up.
The summer drought has struck me. So I'll be playing SC:IV this weekend.
So the similarities between Portal and Prey are even more so than I thought of before. The "not portals" that I am going through in Prey are blue and orange circles in most cases. I forgot that when the enemies appear they come out of an orange "no portal", and if you go through the orange "no portal" then the other side has a blue ring around it.
This seems a little fishy, and I am almost a little surprised I have never heard about this similarity before now. I mean, two non-traditional fps puzzle games which involve solving levels in tricky and odd ways both using orange/blue portals and "not portals". Quite astonishing that this connection has not (to my knowledge) appeared anytime sooner.