Xbox 360 Kinect Produces Mixed Results on Jimmy Fallon

Xbox Kinect and Late Night with Jimmy Fallon have some history. Microsoft’s Kudo Tsunoda showed the device on Late Night when it was known as Project Natal. He recently returned to show the updated hardware and some new games. The results were mixed. The crowd seemed to dig it (or the applause signs were really effective), but the lag issues were obvious.

Check out the video above and let me know what you think of Kinect’s performance on Late Night (please). Remember, Natal is due out in November so there’s plenty of time for Microsoft to tighten the bolts. The question is, should the company be showing it off when it’s lag city?

Author: RPadTV

11 thoughts on “Xbox 360 Kinect Produces Mixed Results on Jimmy Fallon”

  1. Maybe you've just been more in the loop (or more attentive) than I have, but I was moderately impressed. As far as picking up on player movements, it performed better than I expected it would, though it definitely leaves a good amount to be desired, especially if that $150 price proves to be the real cost of the device.

  2. @lookatthisguy I'm impressed, but worried about the lag. I'm sure it will get better by launch…but how much better? Speaking of the price, I just posted a story on the $150 rumor.

  3. that price is too high compared to the Move and the fact you can get a Wii or only $200.

    I think this peripheral will falter until its price comes down. MS sports or whatever it is isn't worth the price of admission.

  4. yeah but the move isnt gonna be much cheaper if you dont already have the camera, its 99 bucks, plus you have to buy the nunchuck thing for 29 bucks, so thats like 130

    the only reason i am buying kinect is because it has voice recognition…thats it, im not impressed with running and jumping around my living room

  5. I don't think the technology is totally there yet but it's still pretty impressive. I'd complain but the wii is pretty imprecise itself. I guess once I get a look at move I'll be able to compare better.

  6. @Ray – ya I guess the only game I have that uses it is wii sports resort, but constantly setting it on the table to recalibrate is kind of annoying. I don't even know why motion plus is sold as a separate accessory. All new controllers should have it built in.

    That being said I think motion plus could mean promising things for Legend of Zelda

  7. It is really really buggy. Miranda was standing still and her Avatar was having fits. I noticed Kudo and the people that demoed the rafting game at E3 all added the swaying and over the top gestures and Miranda acted more like everyone else would. She was doing just fine with minimal gestures. I just don't see this going well. Microsoft touted its capabilities to the extent that I already feel let down by it, with the games they are releasing.

    It seems impossible that there is going to be any precision at all in this. I doubt it can recognize small movements.

  8. On a different note, Fallon may have actually had a point when he said something along the line of this thing making fat kids skinny again… we can only hope.

  9. Those games were complete shovel ware. These games will get played 2 or 3 times and then forgotten about. I also don't see Wii owners spending $150 for Kinect and another $200 for the Xbox. I may be the only one but I'm not impressed. That's not too different from the waggle controls to me. In Kinect Adventures all you can do is lean to the side and jump up. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you have to have buttons to have a real engaging gaming experience.

  10. @E3 demos

    They were fake. Watch the Kinect reveal thing they did and it is obvious they had people on stag pretending to play the games.

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