Get Your iPhones Ready: iOS 4 is Available Now

Apple has released iOS 4 today. If you’re running an iPhone 3G or 3GS that isn’t jailbroken as well as the latest generation of iPod Touch media players, then you should download it straight away to take advantage of the new features. If you get a chance, let me everyone here know what you think of iOS 4.

Author: RPadTV

28 thoughts on “Get Your iPhones Ready: iOS 4 is Available Now”

  1. downloading it now. I will let you know how it handles later.


    quick question if anyone knows the answer…but do the new iPod touches have the camera on front for facetime and skype? Or are they still bare?

  2. I downloaded it and now it's in the process of backing up all of my apps (that should take a while).

    Will give a (not a) review as well.

    @ Body Slam

    Beats me. It should tell you on if they released the info on it.

  3. @bsu

    i think apple wont release anything on their ipod family until october or when they normally do. I know they havent said anything as of yet.

  4. @All

    I was thinking that they would do the iPod touches at the same time simply because it has the same software as the iPhones. I would love it if the new ones had a camera on the front of it though. That would be enough to make me consider buying a new one.

  5. installed it on my Developer use phone. I've been using the beta for some time so nothing really new for me. I'm just excited to use these new features on iPhone 4 starting on thursday

  6. @bsu

    yeah my gf is dying to get a new ipod touch and the camera would be great for her especially if they put the flash and 5 MP camera.

  7. @Tokz

    I would love to have the camera on it because I would use it so much, mostly because it would be the easiest way to upload pictures to flickr, facebook, email, my computer, and just store them in general. I don't really have any other camera and taking pictures isn't really a priority for me other than random pictures. So to combine the camera with being able to upload to everywhere I want it to would be really nice.

  8. @bsu

    oh i agree. It would be a great convenience. I got her a pretty good digital camera but she doesn't remember to bring all the time. so i have to take it with my iphone and send it to her. I can't be with her all the time plus the app called knocking live video would be sweet right now. When i'm away she would be able to see if she really wanted to. knocking live video is a kool app if you know other people with iphone's it's like face time but no front camera but you can talk and view the video at the same time.

  9. @Tokz

    Yeah with as much as Apple talks about convenience this would be a great convenience factor to add on to the product. I don't have a digital camera, and my fiance only remembers hers half the time. And when she does remember the camera she forgets the transfer cord. And I would love to use skype with the camera on the front as well.

    I am really hoping that they decide to put the cameras on it, because it seems like it's about time the iPod touches had them to me.

  10. @ Initial impressions

    Something got lost in my pictures. It seems like all my pictures lost some resolution. I probably have to erase all of them and re-sync them. I took a new picture to see if it was an overall problem, and the new picture looked fine.

    I have an app crashing on on me, and there maybe some more apps crashing but I haven't really checked.

    If my pics lost quality, I should check my music and videos.

  11. @ after one resync

    Photos are fine. Just needed re-optimized.

    Video and music was fine to begin with.

    @ tokz

    The Apps crashing is on the developer of the App. And really, it's only one game (my favorite game… but still),

  12. @n8r

    yeah i know. The app updates have been a lot frequently. I thought ios4 would launch on thursday not today.

  13. woot my cabin has wifi. I'm reading that if you have the 3G the update to 4.0 actually slows the phone down.

    If I get 4.0 it will be on the iPhone 4.

  14. @smartguy

    i guess thats what jobs meant by ios4 will not support 3G completely.

  15. @Smartguy

    Isn't that how all of the updates have been in the past? I was under the impression that when the 3G came out and that update went on a 2G phone it also lost speed, and the same for the 2G update for the 1st gen iPhone. It makes sense to me, nothing in the actual guts of it all is increasing or getting better (processor, graphics, memory, etc.) and it would be running software written for higher standards than it was built for originally.

  16. I'll have to download this when I get home from work tonight. Luckily I have N8 and Bsukenyan to let me know what to expect before I upgrade so I won't be lost and damned when I finally do get around to the iOS4 version.


  17. ps- I really like the folders on the new OS, I had to remind myself to try out the multitasking and I really didn't care about when I did try. Overall it seems like a decent update, but I don't really notice too many new things so far other than the folders. The mail update is actually a little worse than it used to be. I don't really see the point in having two separate options to check mail by going to either the account or the inbox directly. I guess it would make everyone else with only one or two email accounts feel more important by making it look like there is more there, but I really don't have that problem. haha.

    I am still waiting for the Netflix app though, the Last.FM app seems like it could be nice, but I haven't logged on yet like I have with my 360.

  18. I have a 3G (for the next few months). It seemed like it was slow immediately after the upgrade, but I turned it off and turned it back on and re-synced it, and I can't notice any performance impedance. Runs fine.

    The folders are great. It takes loads of thumbwork out of the picture. I had like 12 pages of Apps that have now been reduced to 2… and page 2 is only half full and it's all games.

    You can only fit 16 Apps in a folder though.

  19. Correction to #22

    You can only fit *12 Apps in a folder.

    I'm no Smartguy when it comes to math.

  20. Wow! Those hackers are working hard and fast! (insert joke here)

    theyve already got a jb out for iphone 3G's(not 3GS) and 2nd gen ipod touchs.

  21. @ Ray

    This is the list they have:

    1) Photos synced with iPhoto turn are extremely blurry

    2) Gmail ActiveSync is no longer functioning (no syncing of email, calendars and contacts) Update from BG: This probably has nothing to do with iOS 4.0 and more to do with Google being overwhelmed.

    3) Update deletes all contacts, and backups will not restore them

    4) MMS no longer works

    5) Push notifications not functioning

    6) Auto-lock is set at one minute and the option to change this is greyed out

    7) Update fails and device reboots endlessly

    I'll address this point by point with my experience:

    1) I addressed this earkier and re-syncing the phone did the trick.

    2) I don't use Gmail… so I don't know.

    3) Didn't happen to me. Then again, I'm on a Mac and it syncs with the Mac contacts. If on another PC… maybe, I don't know.

    4) Total BS.

    5) Didn't notice, I don't use alot of Push Notifications.

    6) More BS.

    7) Didn't happen to me

    So, in summary, my verdict is 1 cleared up easily, 2 total BS, and 4 "I have no idea what your talking abouts".

  22. @N8R Excellent. Thanks for the results!

    I'm excited to check out iOS 4. I have a decent shot at getting a review unit, but it won't be until after launch sadly. Dang. The traffic spike would have been nice.

  23. @ Ray

    It still could be. Review the things other sites are overlooking. Everyone is gonna be talking about Facetime, so dig into it and focus on games.

    Not everyone who's gonna get one is gonna get one on launch day. There are still people on the fence that currently have other phones. The Apple Cult already has their mind made up, but that's not everyone. And even then, you'll have the people with a year left on their 3GS dying for a good reason to pay the extra $300 on an iPhone 4.

    Then there's people like me who are on a contract with their wife and want to wait to upgrade her phone as well. I also kind of welcome the idea because I'll miss anything that may be fishy with the launch batch.

    I'm typically a second shipment buyer as it is.

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