iPhone 4 Has a Gyroscope for Gaming: Do You Care?

A lot of you are already under Steve Jobs’ spell, lusting for the iPhone 4. One of the most curious features of the new phone is its gyroscope. His royal Steveness said:

We’re adding a three axis gyroscope and we tied the accelerometer, compass, and gyro together for six axis. It’s perfect for gaming.

I know a lot of you aren’t cool with motion-control gaming, but is the iPhone 4 different? Maybe Steve Jobs’ reality distortion field has you seeing motion possibilities on the iPhone 4 that you don’t see on traditional gaming systems. Let me know if you care about the iPhone 4’s gyroscope. I’m curious to hear your opinions!

Author: RPadTV


20 thoughts on “iPhone 4 Has a Gyroscope for Gaming: Do You Care?”

  1. Motion controls = Fails

    One of my coworkers said the iPhone 4 sounds like a smaller iPad with calling.

  2. I have to see how it's implemented first by giving it a personal hands on before I can fairly judge.

  3. I'd like to see the Jenga game Jobs played during the keynote to see how it works. I'm sure it will only help, but how much is the question.

    @big Blak – you're co-worker is wrong in many regards though, in fact, this new iPhone already makes the ipad seem a tad dated.

  4. @ Shockwave

    Oh I know (because of Rpad.tv) but I just want y'all to know that some people already don't know what they are talking about.


  5. @ Big Blak: If your friend meant that as iPhone 4 bashing, I find that amusing.

    First people hate on the iPad as useless, an oversized iPod Touch;

    Now the new iPhone is "only" a mini iPad with calling?

    It sounds like the same kind of backwards argumentation that The Daily Show points out a lot of pundits on TV do (for example, the Republican pundits that wrote off issues during Bush's presidency as not so big a problem that now blast Obama for not having fixed them yet—sadly I can't think of any specific examples).

    Of course, I don't know your friend or his/her sentiments, but people out there that are like that irk me.

  6. @lookatthisguy

    I am sure it has to do with the iPad not offering much more than an iPod touch. Then the new iPhone to the iPad because of the same processor and the iPad being the newest most revolutionary piece or magical technology on the market currently out from Apple for people to compare stuff to. So it isn't really backwards arguing. It is very logical steps forward with each new device.

  7. @ This guy & All (lol)

    So in his defense his comment was based on the topic of this thread but there are still valid points made here.

    When I was a kid I used to move the controller a lot and my dad would say "The tv isn't a motion detector." I no longer play games that way and don't want to either so this tech is more than a few years late for me, but that's not to say that there wont be cool and neat things to do with it. Yes I know this thread is about the iPhone but this guy no like motion controls.

  8. @ Slicky

    I suppose it is logical… if you have no idea what you're really talking about.

    The new iPhone does hundreds of things the iPad can't. to the point that there simply wasn't enough time in the keynote to address the hundreds of new features.

    The iPad still doesn't have a camera.

  9. @Ray

    I hope they win the next three, but foul trouble or not Kobe is a threat. It was awesome though because that NEVER happens to Mr. NBA.

  10. Why is a camera such a big deal for people concerning the iPad?? There are so many cameras on everything now a days that one device devoid of a camera seems so silly to me. Remember a few years ago when mp3 players were on everything? I remember seeing mp3 players and digital frames on refrigerators. Sometimes adding it for the sake of adding it doesn't really make sense.

    A front facing camera makes more sense on an ipad than a typical rear facing camera.

  11. @ Smartguy

    I don't think it's a big deal that the iPad doesn't have a camera. I was just using the example of ONE thing that adds a multitude of features the iPhone has that the iPad does not.

    Hence, it's not like a small iPad.

  12. @Smartguy

    Your point about cameras being on everything is a valid one, in my instance I would love to have just gotten an old 32gb iPhone instead of my 32gb iPod touch sometimes just so I could get the camera because the only camera I have is on my phone which takes horrible pictures. And sometimes I would like to take a picture and easily attach it to an email or post it online, etc. I'm sure that is what people are wanting with the iPad.

    I could see that being quite confusing though if everything has a camera and none of them are synced. You would have a hard time remembering which pictures are stored where. lol

  13. @Ray

    Noted. Understandable. You have that EVO 4G though. But for a quick shot, I can see the use for something like that. Still seems awkward to use a 10inch camera.


    Noted. I understood your point, I just felt like adding how I felt about how ppl bash on the device because of its lack of a camera.

  14. @ Smartguy

    I must admit though, I do scoff at the iPod Touch sometimes and one of my main points is that it doesn't have a camera.

  15. What you call "Steve Jobs' reality distortion field", I call "good marketing". Apple is the kind of company that could sell horse manure to a sea lion and pass it off as fish.


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