Project Natal Leads to Father Smacking Son (Accidentally)

Ah, the perils of Project Natal. A writer for Parade recently tried out a few demos for Project Natal with his family. While he seemed generally impressed with Microsoft’s motion-control peripheral, playing with it led to a funny incident that caused him to smack his son to tears:

We next tried an obstacle course where you have to dart under trees and jump over logs. I was really working it, leaning my body and windmilling my arms. Unfortunately, Zane, 3, wandered a bit too close to me and, well, I inadvertently smacked him in the face. He started crying. The Microsoft representatives on hand for the demo looked like they might cry, too.

Personally, I would have went on a Tom Hanks rant from A League of Their Own. “Are you crying? Are you crying?!? There’s no crying! There’s no crying in Xbox!!!” I’m sure I wouldn’t find this as funny as I do if I had a son of my own…but I don’t, so it’s frickin’ hilarious.

Source via Engadget

Author: RPadTV

15 thoughts on “Project Natal Leads to Father Smacking Son (Accidentally)”

  1. I just want to know who has that much room to play Natal? I imagine that most kids on the Xbox play in their bedrooms with only 3 feet between the bed and the tv.

  2. I was saddened to find out that the video was not of a grown man slapping a child.

  3. Aw I should have read the comments first, I wanted to see someone gets slapped also. At least he stepped on his wife's foot.

    Man the when they show that ball game and everyone flailing wildly the animations seem glitchy and jerky (26ish seconds). The guys avatar jerks. Maybe just the video (again)

  4. @slicky

    dont forget that everyone seems to have a lot of clear space around them too. I wish i had amount of space around me.

  5. that looks DESTINED to fail

    i say that as an objective observer, not as a recovering fanboy

  6. @tokz

    yeah the room in that video is huge. looks like a vacant apartment. I want to see it tested in a fully furnished badly lit room with several people sitting nearby and far less space to move. Basically I want a real life people-at-my-house-partying-and-playing-games scenario.

    At least they stopped having the people wear red every time they demo it. Although the people are in high contrast to the extremely well lit bright white room.

  7. You're a big tease, Ray. I expected slappage.

    As for the Natal demo itself, those people looked like they were stuck in a swarm of bees.

  8. I too was hoping to see video of a kid get smacked… haha

    I am patiently awaiting E3 to see what devs have in store for Natal this Fall. If it looks good, I'll bite.

  9. This reminded me of a funny story.

    A few years back Blockbuster had the eye toy on demo and one of the games they had demoed was Virtua Fighter for the eye toy, All it really read was motion in that area of the screen, but whats the fun in that? So anyway I was playing it and I was doing my Jackie Chan/ Chuck Norris skills when this kid had gotten to close. I do a spin kick, and the kid has to like dive out of the way of my foot. Only thing funnier than that is when our PSP display at Circuit City fell on some kid.

  10. @shockwave

    I have seen that actual video tons of times, but this one is by far the best. The sound effects make it an awesomely funny.

  11. @slicky – haha, gotta love the SF love.

    I must admit the first time I saw this video it was that remix. the regular video doesn't cut it

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