There’s only one game that exists to me right now: Scrabble on Hasbro Family Game Night. My training has been going well. My power level is increasing, though it’s still not where it was when Zoe and I competed. Hopefully it will get to that level…and perhaps beyond. The only thing that could possibly get in the way is Alan Wake
. I should have my copy tomorrow and that’ll probably be too good to pass up.
How about you guys and gals? Any Mac users out there giving Steam a whirl? Or is it going to be another weekend of Just Dance? Kindly share your weekend playlist!
Another limited game playing weekend until sunday, maybe which i hope to squeeze in some ssfiv or tekken 6 or maybe even dust off mk vs dc. I will actually be going out to bowl and possibly head off to the anime central convention in rosemont to check out some awesome cosplay.
I have an empty weekend. Anyone passing by? Let's boil some crawfish and have some beers.
I pulled down Steam this morning and grabbed Portal. Very nice on Mac. Portal is free btw.
Gamefly supposedly sent me Lost Planet 2. I still haven't checked the mail since yesterday though since I had another "fun" neck injection yesterday. Other than that, more MLB 2k10 and FFXIII most likely.
Love the Vegeta(ble) pic!
If you are going to play scrabble I will join and I'll be playing some FFXIII and Magic and whatever else.
As heard in a game of Scrabble between RPad & Nightshade:
"For two guys who like to write, we sure use a lot of three letter words."
Being a former journalism major I kind of know how that is too, when I look at the letters I have available I always think of words that I could spell but just don't quite have all the letters for…and then I end up making a three letter word too.
I'll be finishing up MGS4 again and some MLB 09: The Show and MW2.
I meant MLB 10
I am playing Just Cause 2. I am really enjoying it. It probably the best open world game I have played in a long time
@ Smartguy
I grabbed the free Portal as well last night.
The games Steam has for Mac so far are pretty lame. I seriously hope that picks up over the next year. Portal being free until Tuesday is a nice consolation by the way.
@ everyone who payed real money for Portal
According to Valve there will be weekly releases and updates of games to run on Mac platform. We'll see though.
@ N8R
Your a big fat meanie and Im taking you of my friends list, I hope you and your computer get a virus.
Jk man
Borderlands this weekend?
@ Smartguy
I read that too… I'm just saying that so far they are pretty weak. So far, NOTHING is multiplayer. How 'bout some Half-Life or dare I say Left 4 Dead?
I hope they'll have Dragon Age when it releases for Mac.
@ Big Blak
Virus?… On a Mac????
Yeah I'm down for some Borderlands.
@ N8R
Obviously not man lol. Yea man I need to game hard I haven't really played much the past few weeks but I have to work on Saturday (first time in 2 years) 8-2 then I'm pretty much free.
im doing a research paper on how much i hate todays youth. Today while playing mw2, i noticed during a game of team deathmatch that the other team had two players both named "mclovin". This is my closing argument
i cant even play that game anymore, the camping and the cheating has got out of control. I ran into a dude today with an auto aimer or something, he was like Ned Nederlander…no one can be that fast
@Big Blak Funny story about Vegeta. I was watching Dragon Ball Z a bunch around 1998 or so. My friend @jpkmets was wondering what the hell it was all about. He tried watching an episode to understand my fascination. He said, "I didn't know what the hell I was looking at. All I saw was some guy named Fajita screaming for half an hour."
@thundercracker Ned Nederlander was that fast!!!
@ Rpad
lmao fajita!
ok, i just wanted to share this stupid animated gif with you guys, i didnt do it, obviously…but i think its awesome.
sorry for spamming the website
@ thunder
Dude I cant stop laughing! We all know that its wrong but its so damn funny.
That's funny. I don't know the Seagal movie (because they all look like that) but the other was Postal and it was DUMB!!!
@ Thundercracker;
That gif was funny as hell. I feel like I have to go to confession now because I was laughing at it so hard. Yea, Postal was one of those "so-bad-it's-funny" movies.
I just hope no one paid to see it.
@ topic;
I'm trying to gather up four people for Firefight and the DejaVu achievements for ODST. So far, I have Sandrock pending. If anybody else wants in, let me know.
I will hopefully be playing some more L4D and wishing I would've given this game a chance sooner…it is now my crack. Between that and Team Fortress 2 I am pretty much set.
Before I got L4D I was getting in to Bioshock, I tried playing it the other day and that lasted for about 10 minutes before I wanted to switch. I really only have the hardest achievements left to go for on Hasbro Family Game Night (btw Ray did that show up on your Amazon list??? it should have) so maybe some of that.
Mostly though I will be playing with the new puppy I just got like two hours ago for my fiance and me.
We have to play this weekend but I don't do expert, I like to enjoy myself while I slay zombies lol.