Why Does President Obama Want to Send NASA to an Asteroid?

I’m really hoping one of you is a NASA fanboy so that I can get a good reason why President Obama is determined to send astronauts to an asteroid (say that ten times fast!). According to The Associated Press:

Landing a man on the moon was a towering achievement. Now the president has given NASA an even harder job, one with a certain Hollywood quality: sending astronauts to an asteroid, a giant speeding rock, just 15 years from now.

Wow. Really?!? I realize there are longterm aspects to Obama’s job, but should he really be allocating millions of dollars to some silly venture when the country has so many problems? I’m totally not getting it. Did he watch Armageddon recently?!? (Though sending Ben Affleck to an asteroid in real life would be kind of cool.) I’m sure the project would lead to some impressive scientific discoveries, but the whole thing seems ridiculous to me when the employment rate is hovering around 10-frickin’ percent!

Keep me in check boys and girls. Am I overreacting? Perhaps I really hated Armageddon and the movie is clouding my judgement. Or maybe I’m angry about still being unemployed. *shrug*


Author: RPadTV


36 thoughts on “Why Does President Obama Want to Send NASA to an Asteroid?”

  1. Ray, if the money was allocated to a project like this then it would create jobs. What do you want him to do with the money? Send ppl checks?

    Granted I think this is all hot air from him, he seems hell bent on shutting NASA down for the next few years.

  2. @Ray

    No, but it will create jobs nonetheless. Jobs at NASA, Lockheed, Michoud, etc. Best way to create jobs is to lower the costs on businesses from gov't. I'd rather the money spent on something dumb like this than just given to some country who doesn't like us or him buying votes with it.

  3. I think it's interesting. Maybe we do have an asteroid coming to hit us in 20 years and Obama's trying to save us. If NASA can pull this off then we're safe from an E.L.E asteroids/meteors. If not he has his let's start landing on Mars program starting too. No one else find that weird as well. Maybe like a few years ago Mars was deemed unable to sustain human life but they sent that Mars Rover and now they see plant life and frozen water beneath the crust. Am i being too paranoid?

  4. @smartguy Why not spend that money on fixing roads or expanding public transportation? Those kind of projects would create more jobs for people that are out of work and desperately need money.

  5. @tokz

    funny stuff dude. I think he said asteroid because past presidents never said asteroid.

  6. @Ray

    because engineers, welders, and other craft/degree need job creation as well. Most roads are a state's responsibility as well. Also the gov't owns a car company now, they want to sell cars lol. Seriously though, public transit yields a smaller impact than if vehicle sales are high.

    You can't just create "shovel ready" jobs.

  7. @smartguy

    thanks. I wasn't really trying.


    I'm with. Maybe i'll be able to meet up with that one chick from Total Recall.

  8. @sandrock

    hmmmm if you can promise me a harem of these women then i'll join your rebellion.

  9. @ Ray

    If he allocated funds to fix roads and expand public transportation, the tea party people would have more to throw at him saying he's a socialist because… those are socialistic ventures after all.

    People also raised a stink about him doing less with NASA than Bush did… but sending astronauts to an asteroid is probably cheaper and more productive. Long and short, he has to do something new with NASA for political reasons, but doesn't want to inflate the budget tremendously to do it.

    He tried putting the same money somewhere else, and took alot of heat for it.

  10. @ Sandrock

    Think about it.

    Do we REALLY know what an asteroid is? How old they are? Where they came from? the consistency of them? If they were from a planet that exploded, why did it explode? Was there life on it?

    It's arguable that we can learn more from this mission than we can from going to Mars. It also seems safer given the gravitational pull of Mars and what not.

  11. @N8R

    We could have much more room for our 6 billion people if we colonized a planet. Asteroids can wait until we are more stable in space and not having to strap rockets to our asses to get up there. It's not cost effect at this time to throw that much money to study an asteroid when we could better establish ourselves in space first. The cost of doing this would be far less if we could do the research from space instead of from Earth.

  12. @N8R

    same thing with the blind left supporters. Like I said, I have no problem with Americans disagreeing with how the gov't operates. Amazing that the tea party haters feel that those people shouldn't be allowed to dissent.

    I feel the same way about both sides. No reason to silence either side.

  13. @ Sandrock

    We have been working on colonizing the moon for some time now. This project is on top of that project.

    What did you think the biodome was for?

    @ Smartguy

    I agree that both sides of the extremes can get ridiculous. I also don't feel we should silence anyone (I'm not Republican enough or enough of a PC user for that). I feel we should have healthy debates that don't end up in duels. The problem is… somebody has to budge in order to get anything accomplished. The most recent political presence I can think of in modern history that was able to do that to large amounts of people with words alone… was Adolf Hitler.

    Slippery slope that is. Dude was insane, but could sway a crowd.

  14. @Biodome

    I didn't think it was a half bad movie when I saw it years ago. Also, we would need one of those for Mars as well. It will take a very long time to teraform (sp?) Mars's atmosphere into something we can breath. The sooner we start, the quicker it will get done. We are also going to need lots of chainsaws and sawed off shotguns for when the portal to hell rips open, so everyone needs to remember to bring lots of ammo and fuel.

  15. @tokz_21

    It's not. If at all possible we need to avoid this out come at all costs. Rebelling is the first step, since all gates to hell are opened by government officials and scientist.

  16. @Sandrock

    Before you head to Mars..make sure you either are wearing glasses and have a van dyke or you are extremely built. You can't live otherwise.

  17. @sandrock

    With your dudikoff stare and my glasses (i'll start on the van dyke) we should be able to overtake Mars easily!

  18. It seems like he is trying to create jobs from this, that would make sense to me…but before you mentioned it I also thought he must have just seen Armageddon recently, because I can not think of any other reason as to why we need to go to an asteroid. Yeah like someone said earlier we could probably learn plenty from it, but why? My tax dollars that will fund it want to know why.

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