What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I’m going to finish up my second run of Dragon Age: Origins Awakening this weekend. After that, I’m going to put it away for a while. As much as I love the expansion pack and want to give it a third shot, I just can’t do it — not until it’s patched. There are too many bugs that bother me. Hopefully a fix will come soon because I really dig the story, characters, and gameplay.

The good news is that I can dive back into Final Fantasy XIII. I’m only six or so hours into the game and I’ve enjoyed it so far. It’s kind of crazy how polarizing FFXIII is — some people absolutely love it and others totally hate it. I’m pretty sure I’m going to end up in the former camp. I already know that it’s not going to be my favorite game in the series, but I’m certain that I’ll be satisfied when the dust settles. I’m also pretty sure I’ll like it better than FFVII (you see what I did there?!?).

As always, I want to know what’s on your weekend playlist.

Author: RPadTV


20 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. I think I will take it easy and play some Bad Company 2 again. I really like the MP mode in the game. Destruction opens up so much. I think Saturday night I will be playing some MAG.

    I was talking to N8R yesterday about Borderlands. i got it for Christmas but have only put a few hours in to it. I believe single player hours at that. Is there a good story in this game? I am really clamoring for an RPG but know I need to wait til the end of April before I get sucked in to one of those.

    Question for those that can answer: Mass Effect 2 or FF13? I want to play one because I haven't tackled an RPG in quite some time. Which would be better if I wanted a good story?

  2. @nightshade (possible Awakening spoilers) – the last 'area' in the game was intense huh? waves of enemies, armored trolls, a dragon… I was like holy hell

  3. @ Smartguy

    The story in Borderlands is mostly text that you have to read through. The immersion is totally in the gameplay. Meaning, you really don't have to read anything to have a good time.

    If you see me on and want to play, start your game and I'll start a new character if I have to. I want to have all the characters maxxed up eventually and I have 2 I haven't even started with yet. Hit me up.

  4. @Shockwave: Yeah, the ending was pretty intense. I wish I hadn't spent 4/5ths of the expansion wondering what was going on only to have the "revelation" spoon fed to me in one large dose at the end. But more time in Ferelden is a good thing overall.

  5. I will be trying to chase the elusive internship Achievement worth 50 gamerscore.

    Other than that I'm still just trying to get my 10 online wins with 4-player Uno,

    Finish my 1000 miles on DiRT to finish the game,

    Play some Wolfenstein,

    and hopefully get another cheap new game…I don't know what yet…If anyone remembers or looks at what games I have played on XBL and has a suggestion I will gladly take it!

  6. God of War 3 is f'n intense BTW. I'm loving it. The first 45 minutes is like a nonstop action flick. But then you get to that first puzzle and my brain just wasn't ready to adjust to something like that. I wanted to keep slaughtering things. lol.

    Anyway, I got about an hour into it before I decided I'd better shut it off if I wanted to get any sleep last night.

  7. @Nightshade

    Cool, just wondering. I have a friend that never played the first two but wanted to buy GOWIII and I told him he should really play the first two first because it's so story driven.

  8. Probably wii games. My mom is going out of town and my little sister doesn’t play ps3 or xbox. If I manage to get away I’m hoping to finally open up and play god of war 3.

  9. Finished Dragon Age: Awakening last night and started God of War 3.

    @Smartguy: Having beaten both games, I’d recommend Mass Effect 2 over Final Fantasy XIII.

  10. @Shockwave
    I did the same, hit remember me in FireFox and on WordPress but nothing stayed.

    It just gets better. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out how to kill a particular boss though. (Damn you Chronos).

    I’ll be on God of War 3 and Bad Company 2 (PS3) this weekend.

  11. @Slicky: Poseidon never stood a chance. lol. I’m in Hades now, just past the puzzle with the chandelier.

  12. I’ll be starting my second play through of GOWIII.


    About GOWIII, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Just keep playing.

  13. I want to get in as much XIII as I can. But since we're in the process of packing for our big move, I can only play in small increments. Gah.

  14. @CamiKitten I’m only about six hours in, but I’ve found FFXIII to be the perfect game to play while drinking coffee. There’s so much watching in the early going that you have plenty of time to enjoy good coffee. This is a plus for me. Ha!

  15. @Ray – Ha! Sounds like me, a good cup of coffee while gaming :)

    And just as I thought, I'm only about 7 hours in now b/c of the heavy duty boxing of all our crap we have in the apt. Still don't know what I think about this game. The Paradigm system is pretty cool and all but if you switch a lot it lengthens your battle time, then lowers the score. Argh.

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