Fat Princess Patch 1.05 Fixes Bugs and Adds Snowy Maps

Fat Princess players should keep an eye out for patch 1.05, which arrives today and adds a couple of new maps. To help kick off spring, the game is getting two snow-themed maps (what?): Candy Mountain and Frost Bite. Managing producer Deborah Mars listed the following fixes on Sony’s PlayStation Blog:

  • Warrior: Fixed to disallow shield activation when carrying objects, as well as attenuating damage against lava and drowning.
  • Ice Mage: Changed level 1 area attack to slow enemies, not freeze them.
  • Soccer map: Disabled online score saving for this level (sorry, all, but it was too easy to gain rank).

As most of you know, today is the first RPad.tv Uno invitational tournament. If it goes well — and it looks like it will — then Fat Princess will be the next game. I’d love to try out these snowy maps with a bunch of you. If you happen to download the patch today, please let everyone know what you think of Candy Mountain and Frost Bite.


Author: RPadTV


2 thoughts on “Fat Princess Patch 1.05 Fixes Bugs and Adds Snowy Maps”

  1. Ok since things never go according to plan for me lol, I didn’t get to try the new maps. But I did remember to dl the suckers at least. I’ll try them out sometime today inbetween packing boxes, playing XIII, and installing my updates for FFXI Online >_>.

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