Se7en Done Heavy Rain Style

This excellent YouTube video shows clips from the movie Se7en (Seven for normal people) done up Heavy Rain style. If you’ve played the game or the demo, you’ll absolutely get a kick out of it. It’s the best thing I’ve seen on the Internet this month I highly recommend watching it.

[Thanks to Brad Shoemaker for tweeting this!]

Author: RPadTV

13 thoughts on “Se7en Done Heavy Rain Style”

  1. Any John Waters movie

    (especially Pink Flamingos… due violates a chicken to death and Divine eats a dog turd)

  2. A 3 Stooges Movie. Wouldn't be dramatic at all but I would love the eye poke or head bonk.

  3. @rpad.

    you're welcome. This should get your phone ringing even more and possible more secret projects. Sorry to hear the other one fell through, more time for FF13!

  4. Memento.

    Off Topic. Vindication day for our favorite Verbal Entertainer as Nintendo announces a 3D DS being called a 3DS. no glasses needed, (N8R, smartguy and slicky) will be selling between April 2010 and March 2011. Great job Rpad! I think he caused Nintendo to spill the beans early due to his great journalistic work!

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