Coffee Talk #103: Your Silly Gaming Quirks

Last week I went out to lunch with a friend that’s in the gaming business. He mentioned that he only plays scary games during the day and saves the lighthearted stuff for night. For example, his recent gameplay sessions included Dead Space in the afternoon and Band Hero at night (I play my Band Hero at night, so I can so I can?).

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Pinoy power prevailing on Saturday, your favorite bit of GDC news, or pole dancing, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Last week I went out to lunch with a friend that’s in the gaming business. He mentioned that he only plays scary games during the day and saves the lighthearted stuff for night. For example, his recent gameplay sessions included Dead Space in the afternoon and Band Hero at night (I play my Band Hero at night, so I can so I can?).

I was totally prepared to lean into him and call him a wussy gamer…but then I remembered that I only watch scary movies during the day or with every light in the house on at night. Ha!

Do you have any quirky gaming habits similar to my friend’s? Do you play survival-horror games at night? Or are they something you have to experience during the day? Leave your gaming quirks in the comments section (please)!

Author: RPadTV

21 thoughts on “Coffee Talk #103: Your Silly Gaming Quirks”

  1. @Redtail – I find I'm much better at guitar hero when I'm two drinks in. My fingers seem to move on their own, lol

    @scary games, I usually avoid playing them at night too. Games are such an immersive experience that it's way more freaky than just watching a movie to me.

  2. Occasionally, in the morning when I'm reading gaming news, I notice sentences like this:

    -"I only watch scary movies during the day or with every 'house in the light' on at night."-

    Otherwise, I tend to play when I can.

  3. Whenever my wife plays a racing game (which is not often, mind you), she has a tendency to lean the direction she is turning. Also, the controller goes in that direction as well, as if she is actually turning the control to the right to make a right turn.

    So annoying to watch.

    I wonder if I do that?

    Hmm, I think people can learn a lot about themselves by being filmed while playing and then going back and analyzing your body language durning play.


  4. @ Iceman

    My mom does that. Even when she's playing a sidescroller and has to make a jump. The whole controller makes the motion of the jump she's trying to make.

  5. I'm one of those guys who only plays survival horror games at night. Mind you, I couldn't play anything like that when my son is awake anyway, but regardless….I remember many a sleepless night as I worked my way through the town of Silent Hill for that first time….

  6. I've noticed I only play my DS either in bed or on my lunch break. And I've noticed that during rpgs I'm on the left end of the couch laying down and with more action oriented games or multiplayer I'm sitting up on the right hand side of the couch. o_O Dunno how that's gonna effect me when XIV comes out since I'm buying it for the PS3 and I've never played an MMO on a console before.

    Speaking of playing DS in bed, sorry I haven't been around these last few days. I've been horribly sick and that's where I've been living. My doc thought I had pneumonia. I've just been suffering a nasty bacterial infection. Fun stuff.

  7. I don’t have any gaming quirks like that but i guess these count.
    I’ll only play music games with 2 or more people.
    I’ll only play games with Co-op i.e. LBP and NSMB Wii, with other people only if i don’t even need them.
    I think that’s it.

  8. I play narrative games with my dog sleeping on my lap or she is laying on my desk. I can’t play multiplayer games like that though.

  9. I am with Cami I only play my PSP when I am in bed.

    Generally my guy cat lays in my lap the entire time I play games.

    I always turn on subtitles even though I have my surround sound cranked (I do it on movies too)

    I have 4 identical PS3 controllers, but I only use 1, I will use it until it dies and I have to plug it in to play even though there are 3 fully charged next to it.

  10. I'm the opposite. I only play scary games at night. Then i watch a puppy video on youtube to get me "un-scared" :D

  11. @thatboytitz

    I had to do stuff like that after I watched The Shining for the first time. Granted I chose to do that at about 3am in my basement with no lights on after I got off of work.

    I usually try to play games where I really want to hear the dialogue and story (majority of my games) during the day because I can actually seclude myself from my roommates so that I can hear what is going on in the story development. Second play through games, or games where story and dialogue in cut-scenes isn't a big issue are what I tend to play at night. This is also the same with where I play the games, in my room, on my fiance's 360, or out in the living room where all my roommates are. If I don't care about hearing everything then the living room or fiance's 360 are options, otherwise to my secluded bedroom it is!

    Still being DS-less unfortunately, I can't really think of any trends I have with that, but I think a DS and my itouch are definitely more open environments. Unless it is a game that consumes a lot of time for me or that I am really in to (pokemon, Zelda) then I usually don't play them too much when the 360 in my room is calling my name.

  12. I was recently told that I stick out my tongue when I concentrate. I had never noticed. But I do remember someone pointing out back in the days of RC ProAM that I leaned in addition moving the controller as far as I could the direction I was turning, but I don't do that anymore (I think).

    I used to watch my mom play Super Mario on NES and she would move the controller up and down like it was going to help make Mario jump.

  13. I have been so immersed in games before I find myself trying to look around corners that are clearly on a flat television and no amount of me looking around will aid my guy.

  14. Like Iceman mentioned, I’ve found myself doing the lean thing quite a bit lately. When I’m playing BFBC2 and I see an rpg coming at me I involuntarily duck my head outta the way. (sometimes it doesn’t work though)

  15. I have the controller quirk as well. I have my particular controller and that is the only one I use. I also only like sitting in my desk chair to play games. I have never cared to lay down and sit on a couch.

  16. I should of put this in there as well but my gf told me when I play puzzle games I stick my tongue out and play with my manstache.

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