Completely Awesome Iron Man 2 Trailer

If you don’t think this Iron Man 2 trailer is awesome then we probably wouldn’t get along in real life. Ha! Seriously, give it a watch and let’s talk it up! I love Don Cheadle, but I so wish Terrence Howard was still playing Rhodey. Aside from that, this trailer totally rules!!!

Author: RPadTV

19 thoughts on “Completely Awesome Iron Man 2 Trailer”

  1. I"ve never been this excited about Iron Man before!

    either Marvel is doing a great job or Jon Favreau is. I can't wait!

  2. I don't know I really wasn't a fan of the first one, hopefully the sequel will prove me wrong

  3. @ray

    I also wish that Rhodey was being played by Terrence Howard again, I just liked him as that character, and think it fit more than Don Cheadle playing him. Don Cheadle is a very good actor though.

    I think that despite that this movie looks very promising, and I am excited to see it.

  4. @bsukenyan I think the problem is that Cheadle is too good to be playing someone that's supposed to be a "regular guy" contrast to Tony Stark. I don't see him in that role without thinking about several of his other great performances.

  5. @ray

    yeah I think of Don Cheadle in something like Hotel Rwanda, where he played a strong main character instead of just a supporting character. The role of Rhodey seems a little beneath him.

  6. @bsukenyan/rpad

    It doesn't look like Rhodey will be a supporting actor in this one. It looks like we'll see more of him than in Iron Man. He does don the War Machine suit! Possibly, of course leading him to a sequel or possibly his own movie, depending on how Marvel/Disney wants to do after a big box office smash this looks like it will be.

  7. @bsukenyan

    I know it's hard to accept Cheadle as Rhodey and yes Howard did play very well with RD jr but i think Disney/Marvel are thinking big picture. Since they (Marvel) wants to make the Marvel Universe almost like their comic book universe. I never thought War Machine would last very long as a lone comic serial but it's still going. I think there would be enough fanboys/girls to support a lone war machine movie if properly done.

  8. @Tokz

    I guess I still see Rhodey as a supporting character to Tony Stark, which I think is a little beneath Don Cheadle. He might do well as war machine, especially if it turned into his own spin-off movie, but I really liked Terrence Howard as Rhodey. I thought it was a good match, and a believable character for T. Howard to play.

  9. @rpad
    hahaha. I forgot he was in Boogie Nights. Second time i hear Boogie Nights referenced in the past 72 hours!

  10. I'm completely glad they replaced Howard. He was a TERRIBLE Rhodes. Rhodes is more of a Sam Jackson type, but since he's busy, sure, why not Cheadle?

    Cheadle may not be a big badass dude, but at least he's not Howard…who sounds like a woman.

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