Windows Phone 7: More Evidence That AT&T Will Lose iPhone?

It’s looking more and more like AT&T will lose its vaunted iPhone exclusivity sooner rather than later. At CES 2010, the company threw its support behind Google Android and Palm WebOS. At Mobile World Congress, AT&T was anointed Microsoft’s “premier partner” for Windows Phone 7 Series devices. By the end of 2010, AT&T should have a wide variety of devices that will appeal to tech enthusiasts.

Like I said earlier in the year, AT&T is preparing for life without iPhone (exclusivity). I’m hoping all these signs are pointing to the obvious and that the wonderful iPhone will be free of the filthy shackles of AT&T’s network soon. Ah…the dream.


Author: RPadTV

13 thoughts on “Windows Phone 7: More Evidence That AT&T Will Lose iPhone?”

  1. I look forward to seeing/hearing more news about AT&T not being the sole carrier of the iPhone.


    I just saw a commercial for xfinity. Comcast's lame attempt to trick new customers or old customers into using their service, even though their prices and customer service sucks! Do you think that thi marketing ploy will work!

  2. @rpad

    yeah don't remind me! I know the c.s reps must've gotten a lot of puns using that sucktastic slogan. It's amazing what companies try to do to trick you into keeping their service. I really hope google succeeds in their ISP venture.

  3. @smartguy

    No, Xfinity will still have whatever cap Comcast still had previously. They just changed the name of the services but it's still Comcast.

  4. @Tokz

    No, I meant does Xfinity run against your 250gb cap already in place with their internet service? I know Rogers in Canada does that. They allow a 60g bandwidth cap on their largest tier and their VoD through the net counts against it. A service they sell.

  5. @smartguy

    I don't think it will, like i said they're just re-branding their services. Instead of saying Comcast high-speed internet it's now just Xfinity internet or xfinity high-speed internet.

  6. I will be glad when iPhone isn't exclusive to AT&T, that way AT&T can quit focusing on the craptastic iPhone and actually put out some useful phones. It been too long since AT&T had any good new phones.

    Man the iPhone pisses me off. Everything about it. The customer service for it BLOWS ASS (I am referring to Apple support since AT&T is quick to push you over there). The fact that Apple won't let AT&T post customer product reviews at AT&T (per a rep at Apple support). Activating the phone, using iTunes, giving up credit card info…..

  7. @ Ray

    What is Apple’s Genius Bar?

    We don't have Apple stores where I live heck I don't even know of any in the Dallas area, but I am sure there are some. I have only dealt with Apple of the phone and the best answer they could give me for my issue was "some iPhone do and some don't. There is no way to tell if your will or won't." It was a conversation about picture mail and my phone not even getting the picture mail messages.

  8. I’ve also had a lot of luck with the genius bar. they’ve been very helpful with every iphone problem I have. they even fixed a cracked LCD under warranty when it was clearly my fault.

    I’d check out an apple store if you can slicky, check googlemaps for Dallas (I don’t know how far out of dallas you are, but it would be worth a trip to the city)

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