To be completely honest, I’m actually going to try and not play games this weekend. I want to finish up Bill Simmons’ The Book of Basketball: The NBA According to The Sports Guy
on my freshly gifted Amazon Kindle! That said, I’ll probably sneak in some game time. I won’t play anything heavy though — maybe a little Civilization on my iPhone.
How about you ladies and gets? What’s on your weekend play list for Valentine’s weekend?
probably more NSMB Wii. My girl and I are trying to finish it. We are on world 5. Maybe we'll get it done this weekend barring any distractions.
Have to find something new to pick up this weekend. Finished 2nd playthrough of ME2 and I need some of that "Lime Sorbet" to cleanse the pallet before I dive back in.
I'm bittersweet about the season being over. It worked out well for my team, but I almost would like it to go on. I love hearing how we aren't any good and take home the biggest prize lol.
This weekend I'm doing Mardi Gras in NOLA. You are all invited. Saturday will be the Endymion parade which is an event in and of itself then after the parade I will be going to the Endymion extravaganza. It has to be the world's largest private party. So big it has to be held in the superdome. It's neat too because it is at the end of the parade route and all the floats and marching bands make a circle around the "field" and all. It's great. So many naked women and booze. Food is good too. I think one of the musical acts this year is Lynyrd Skynyrd, but I have no clue who the surprise guest is. I'm hoping it is Lewis Black. I also hope to meet a few Saints players there.
Sunday, I'm gonna wake up, shrug some off…take my maximum greens multivitamin vitapak and go do it all over again with Bacchus. Monday…will be Orpheus. Tuesday…Zulu followed by Rex.
you are all invited.
It's Valentines Day weekend. My mother is picking up the kids today for the weekend. My wife and I are going out on tomorrow, buuuuut I think I can squeeze in another Heavy Rain demo play through.
Might I suggest Just Dance for the Wii as your "Lime Sorbet".
@RROD – I can't decide whether to laugh or cry at your comment. I might be allergic to movement this weekend though… so I think I may have to pass lol.
No gaming for me this weekend will mainly be paying attention to the all star weekend
Laugh, it was a joke.
I just bought bioshock 2 and Dante's inferno so I will be enjoying those on this 3 day weekend
try that again
@thundercracker Ha! Thanks for the reminder.
@RROD – Oh I laughed. The only reason I mentioned cry is because of the fact that it made it into the top 10, thereby making it more then just an odd non-sequitor.
I'm going to try something new. Since football season is over (and I'm done being N8R's bitch), I am going to use my Gravatar to illustrate the game I am currently playing. So, since me and my wife decided to get the Horde-based achievements in GOW2 this weekend, my avatar is the GOW logo.
Who knows? If other people start doing this, I may actually find someone else who wants to join me for a round of multiplayer of a two year old game. Does anybody still play Splinter Cell: Double Agent online?
Nothing. I am still in Indianapolis working on my CDL.
Lets see, Lost Planet Colonies, MW2, maybe some L4D2, and Brutal Legend if Gamefly gets it to me this weekend.
@hrolf. How long are you in Indy for? I'm just up the road from there at Ball State.
I'm not sure I'm gonna get much playing time in this weekend, I will probaby be down in Indy for part of the weekend with my fiancé. I'm hoping to play some more GH van halen though, it is a long game to get through.
You never know dude. People still play Bad Company 1 on Live, so it's a distinct possibility you will find some games.
@ Smartguy & Iceman
Lost Planet Colonies still has people on it and it came out in 08.
I’m almost glad football is over. I’m 2 plays in to Mass Effect 2 and I’d like to continue that, I just got Bioshock 2 and dig it a bunch, also, I’ve got to download the Heavy Rain demo when I get home. there isn’t enough time this weekend.
I think I might be getting White Knight Chronicles for Valentines, and if not that then it's Dante's instead. But we got Uno on PSN, and I'm trying out Infamous finally.
Im up here for 2 more weeks.
i hope you used rays amazon links ;P
Dante’s Inferno. Hopefully I’ll finish it up and be able to write my review.
what type of trucking are you gonna be doing with your CDL? I used to know some guys who drove trucks for a warehouse I used to work at. I was always interested in what it was like for them. It was a pretty cool job though, we shipped out atv's, motorcycles, dirtbikes, etc.
Nothing specific, but it is OTR trucking. 14 days out and 2 days off. The first year is gonna be the most difficult, I have to pay the school fees back and I am in a contract with a company for a year, but I have talked to a few people that went this route and they started at 30,000 a year and within 3 years they were making over 55,000. When I was at FedEx, I found out they hire their drivers at 50,000 or more to start, though they look for drivers with more then 1 year of driving under their belt.