Can You Guess the Next Google Android Build Names?

Astute observers know that after the alpha and beta builds of Google Android, the company has been going down the alphabet and naming builds after desserts — Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo (frozen yogurt), Gingerbread, etc. Let’s play a game and name upcoming builds of Google Anroid ourselves! Does anyone know a dessert that starts with the letter “H”?

Author: RPadTV

36 thoughts on “Can You Guess the Next Google Android Build Names?”

  1. ho hos are delicious…

    how about babaganoosh? the google babaganoosh

    (i never learned to read)

  2. kidding

    krispy kreme?

    nope, copyright issues…kroler or something…isnt there a desert named a kroler that you drink with coffee?

    ive never been in a starbucks in my life….but that sounds right…i think

  3. @ R Pad

    Jello is a trademarked name as well. Jellyroll however, is not. I also vote I to be Italian Ice.


  4. ok so i havent been here like i used to lately, so here are some random thoughts

    ray, are you walking yet? hows the knee?

    i finished dragon age, and yes, i hit it

    also, when you send n8r your videos to edit, how do you do it? what program do you use to send him such large files? maybe this is a dumb question

  5. also ray, do you have an email?

    i wanna send you something…custom ringtone i made, imma send it to n8r too

  6. n8fitz, check your email please, and let me know if you find my audio editing to be as clever as i do

    ill shutup now guys :P

  7. @thundercracker

    Rants are welcome here.


    Sorry I haven't donated in a while, X-mas screwed me over. I have been using the Amazon ad though.

  8. @Sandrock323 Ho-Hos + Krull sounds pretty awesome. Also, don't be sorry about anything. You're here. You're reading. You're commenting. That's plenty!

    @thundercracker Thanks for asking! I'm able to walk short distances on my own. On days like today (lotsa rain), I use one crutch — it's more of a mental fear of slipping than anything else. The knee is definitely stronger than it was, but it's not 100% yet. I'm just thrilled that the pain is gone, as well as most of the stiffness. Right now it's all about getting balance, stability, and strength back.

    I send N8R the audio clips through AIM.

  9. i shouldnt have "helped" morrigan huh at the end of dragon age…huh?

    also, i found the last boss to be way too easy…ballistas…and more ballistas…, i spent the whole game trying to get with leliana, and at the end, she never gave it up

    i was so frustrated i almost hit that retarded enchantment kid

  10. @thundercracker Helping Morrigan is probably the more interesting way to go and sets up cool sequel possibilities. The Lelianna romance is glitched. You have to talk her to death and get her to reveal her past as a bard. Giving her gifts before she reveals her tale messes things up.

    Sandal is awesome! Enchantment!!!

  11. i got her to fall in love with me, its just after 60 hours of gameplay, i guess i was expecting sex

  12. @thundercracker

    I partially had to beat her off me with a stick. She just wouldn't stop falling love me. I think I broke up with her on three different occasions and she still tried to seduce me. (I went with Morrigan as I didn't want to kill a [spoiler!!!!! old god])

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