What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Where the hell did the week go?!? Between the release of excellent games like Mass Effect 2 and the official announcement of the Apple iPad, things have been nuts (in a good way)! This weekend is a great time to bring things back to normal by playing some games. Vandal Hearts is still on my playlist. I love strategy/tactical RPGs. I wish gang fights were turn-based and took place on grids. If they did that and belted out tunes from West Side Story, gang fights would be the most popular spectator sport in America.

In a bit of mixed news, I realized that my save file for Mass Effect is in a debug system somewhere in San Francisco. I’m not even sure if it would work on a retail Xbox 360 anyway. What does this mean? It means I’m going to play the first one over again before I start the sequel. This is probably not the most efficient use of my time, but this is how I need to experience these games. It’s BioWare, ergo I must.

You know the drill! Let everyone know what you’re playing this weekend.

Author: RPadTV


39 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. @R-Pad

    The side quests do make an appearance in ME2. None of which have lead me to new quests so far. I found the former gang leader I convinced to go strait in a bar, but she doesn't have any new quests for me to do and most of the side quests are mentioned on the news cast you here while in towns.


    More Mass Effect 2 for me and maybe some Bad Co.2 Demo as well.

  2. definitely Mass Effect 2 and MAG this weekend. I doubt MAG is going to be great so it's a rental, but ME2 is just amazing, I'm really enjoying it

  3. More Mass Effect 2! I've already beat it once with my Infiltrator, but I've got one character for each character class. So I've got 5 more characters to try out!

  4. @Rpad – I bet if you run through the ME1 story without doing any of the awful side quests (plus, no need to since your level doesnt matter) it will only take you 15 hours or so. I'll probably do the same cause I only have two character classes from ME1 myself

  5. one thing that really pisses me off is that my paragon character accidentally killed the council. that has certainly come back to haunt me in ME2

  6. Marvel ultimate alliance, some miscellaneous missions in GTA4 (I'm attempting the 50 stunt jumps and the 200 flying rats in am attempt to 100% the game) so far not good. Maybe some madden 10.

    Any tips from anyone who got 100% in GTA4??

  7. @Shockwave562

    Level and money do matter, as it turns into extra credits and EXP in 2. You even get a Paragon/Renegade bonus. (I still wish all my money had transferred over because I'm tiered of being constantly broke.)

  8. **May contain some SPOILERS from the first Mass Effect**

    @Shockwave: My Infiltrator, which is my main character, killed the Rachni and the Council. For my first playthrough in games like this, I don't choose either "good" or "evil", I simply do what "I" would do. Basically, I play me. So to me:

    1) The Rachni were too dangerous. They'd almost wiped out the galaxy once, and it wasn't worth the risk. I put the controller down and thought about this one really hard before I made the decision though.

    2) Sovereign was more important than three replaceable people, whomever they may have been. Reinforcements should not be wasted. Having the humans take over completely was an unexpected side effect of this decision.

    Despite these two major Renegade choices, my character was still a full fledged Paragon by the end of the game. Since I've got 6 characters I'm looking forward to seeing what happens for my other characters.

  9. @nigthshade – one of the things I liked about playing Dragon Age several times was the ability to play out the scenarios in several different ways. I hope the sequel offers the same import ability

  10. I'll be finishing up Assassin's Creed II this weekend and who knows what else.


    Dang, you already ended Mass Effect 2?

  11. @Nightshade386

    {May contain some SPOILERS from the first Mass Effect}

    I made the opposite decisions and the end result is interesting.

    1) I found the Rachni Queen to be honest and spared her. In 2, reports about Rachni recon ships being spotted are coming in, but these ships flee instantly when spotted.

    2) I only saved the Consol because they where on a Dreadnaught and I didn't want to lose it. Nothing seemed to change though. Only, more human C-Sec.

  12. @RRoD: Yep. Sleep is so totally overrated. Seriously, find a way to play those two games.

    @Sandrock: I'm guessing the Rachni play a bigger part in the 3rd game depending on your choice in the first one. Perhaps an ally against the Reaper threat….

  13. @Nightshade

    Trust me, I want to play them. I still believe they'll both be on the PS3 soon and then I'll buy them day 1. I'm sure EA won't let that PS3 money get away.


    The Bad Company 2 demo graphics were sub par on the PS3 demo too.

  14. @Shockwave: yeah, I've got 4 different characters in Dragon Age too. Well, 6 if you include the two dwarves I started the game with and just played long enough to get their origins story achievements. I figured 6 full playthroughs all at once was a bit of overkill, but I'll probably go back and play those two characters through to the end at some point later on when there's a lull in the games coming out.

  15. @RROD

    ah ok. Was gonna download it on PSN as well to see if one version was better than the other.

    Also the Star Trel BD is amazing looking. It isn't WallE, but close.

  16. @RRoD: Maybe. We'll see. I'm not sure if EA was able to buy the publishing rights to the first game from Microsoft, or if there's a period of time they'd have to wait, etc. If I were Microsoft and I had any say in it, I'd make them wait until the 3rd one comes out. Just makes the best business sense from their perspective not to let that first IP get away until the whole series is done.

  17. @Nightshade

    I don't completely know all the details of these deals but if M$ paid $50 million for "exclusive" GTA4 DLC and it ends up on the PS3 this March then I'm sure EA can get Mass Effect to the PS3 as well. EA is not in the exclusives business. They want their games available to everybody.

  18. @RRoD: yeah I know. But not having any clue what's on the contracts makes it hard to speculate with any real knowledge. I think EA and Bioware want to bring it to the PS3, but every-time they get asked about it there's a pretty blatant "no comment." So that says to me that nothing's been finalized on the contract side of things.

  19. @Nightshade

    The "no comment" answer says to me that it is coming but EA and Bioware contractually can't talk about it right now. If you ask Bungie if Halo 3 is coming to the PS3 they will flat out say "NO". "NO comment" means it is coming but we can't talk about it. It's just a matter of time. If you asked you wife "are you cheating on me" and she says "no comment", well I think you know the answer.

  20. @RROD

    I agree that EA and Bioware would like to put it on as many consoles as possible, but Microsoft still has the publishing rights to the first game. FFVII has this exact same problem. Sony owns global publishing rights, which prevents Square Enix from releasing it on any console they want outside of Japan. I'm sure there is a loophole somewhere they can exploit, but I doubt they want to piss off a major partner.

  21. @Sandrock

    "I doubt they want to piss off a major partner"? M$ needs EA, EA doesn't need M$. Since when were M$ and EA "major partners"?

  22. I'll be playing Mass Effect 2. Its one of the best games I have ever played. Its amazing!!!

  23. I wouldn't want to though. I look at it as kind of like a badge of honor to say I scanned those systems. Especially when you hit a system where there are 5-6 planets and the fuel pod is in a seperate system, so you are having to travel back and forth.

    Trying not to include any spoilers, I really, really liked the paragon side of Zaeed's Loyalty mission. Awesome Paragon interrupt, and for him to get the loyalty of Zaeed for it shows just how much respect Shepard receives for his choices… he came to save people and chew bubble gum… and he's all out of gum….

  24. Zaeed's not my favorite character overall. I used him as my soldier until I got Grunt simply because I needed someone with bigger guns (I played as an Infiltrator first time through). After that he really only made an appearance in his loyalty quest. Grunt on the other hand became a party mainstay.

  25. Yeah that was my plan as well. I just picked up Grunt this morning, so haven't had a real chance to run with him, though it's looking just based off of party balance that I'll be running Grunt, Jack (for bio) and my Engineer Shep. The little Engineer Party Ball of Doom is pretty kick ass.

    How are you liking the stealth with the infiltrator? My current roomie, due to the fire, rolled his as a Infiltrator too, but he said he really didn't kick the mechanic on that often.

  26. Stealth is great for quick cover when you're out in the open. Helps you get to cover to heal without taking further damage. I tended to play the Infiltrator as a sniper with some pretty kick ass tech abilities. AI Hacking & Incinerate were pretty bad ass.

    I'm playing through a second time with my Vanguard now. The biotic charge is a fantastic way to finish off that last guy in a room. And the new Shockwave power is pretty awesome as well. Plus I still love the shotguns in this game. But the new assault pistols are probably my favorite weapon in the game.

  27. Assault pistols = submachine gun? Or is that a different class of pistol I haven't picked up yet?

  28. @Nightshade, Larcenous – I've been able to get pretty deep in to Mass Effect and I enjoyed the paragon quest with Zaeed as well, I'm really going to enjoy going back and playing the tyrant though, haha.

    At any rate I wanted to say that I think Jack is a little underwhelming considering the display of power you see at the prison. I like the loyalty missions and I'm glad they are more accessible than Dragon Age. what they'll do for me is yet to be seen.

  29. are you guys having trouble maintaining ammo? Maybe I'm a horrible shot but it seems like those cooling clips are hard see once players go down.

  30. The only gun I have trouble with is the heavy pistol, but on the few occasions I have been forced to switch, I have found ammo rather quickly. Most of the time, if I run out, it's in a room with more then three waves.

    I loved Archangel's room because the ammo respawned as you stood over it. The fight with the flying ship was way easy.

  31. @larcenous – since I'm a soldier my weapon of choice is the battle rifle and I do keep ammo for it most of the time, I do start to run out if multiple waves come at me and I can't move to pickup more. I can be pretty wasteful with ammo in games like COD4 so it's tough for me to manage it more closely. not impossible though, I just would like to see double the ammo capacity for each weapon

  32. I don't have much of an issue with the ammo. I may run out for one weapon, but I'm pretty comfortable using whatever else I've got in my inventory.

    Best loyalty mission is Mordin's. That and talking to him afterward is hysterical.

  33. @Nightshade – My favorites so far are the heavy pistols, though I am really liking the variety in heavy weapons and how that can really change your load out. The SMGs are a nice add, especially since my engineer is limited to pistol weapons.

    @Shockwave – yeah I might consider actually running a full renegade this game. The choices seem to have more life to them, and a lot less whiny bitch. Have to find the rest of the group to determine my optimal team set up though.

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