Portal: Still Alive is the Xbox Live Deal of the Week

Microsoft’s Xbox Live Deal of the Week is Portal: Still Alive for 800 Microsoft Points. Originally part of The Orange Box, Portal received a ton of critical hype and all of it was deserved. Blending puzzles, action, and great storytelling, Portal wasn’t what I was expecting at all (and I mean that in the best way possible). If you haven’t played this game, I highly recommend it. It’s unique, fresh, and inventive — just an amazing experience.

The good news is that it’s on sale for $10. The bad news is that it might be a better deal to just buy The Orange Box for less than $20.


Author: RPadTV


7 thoughts on “Portal: Still Alive is the Xbox Live Deal of the Week”

  1. Bad news? no none there, Orange Box is a fantastic buy, still enjoy getting on TF every once in a while.

  2. @Hrolf It's bad news for Microsoft is gamers don't think that its "Deal of the Week" is much of a deal. Whether it's as a standalone download or buying The Orange Box, I think everyone should experience Portal.

  3. Well, I still dont get why anyone would download full games for nearly full price when they can buy used for cheaper, but yea Portal is fantastic and I am looking forward to seeing how they do part 2

  4. @Hrolf Well, impulse shopping, for one. There's something to be said for wanting a game and being able to download it right away, as opposed to trekking to a store.

  5. lol, maybe but I tend to think there is more to saving up to 20 bucks and getting pizza and dews for dinner as well as a good game..Impulse shopping is what I did when I saw the kilt on marketplace and got it for my doll…I am SO ashamed…

  6. Portal was awesome, I just thought it was too short. Maybe that's just a testament to how awesome it was though.

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