Haxxor: PlayStation 3 Hacked By Geohot?

Renowned iPhone hacker George Hotz (aka Geohot) has released a hack for the PS3 that will allegedly allow tinkerers to use the system for potentially fun, mischievous, and nefarious purposes. He stated:

This is the coveted PS3 exploit, gives full memory access and therefore ring 0 access from OtherOS. Enjoy your hypervisor dumps. This is known to work with version 2.4.2 only, but I imagine it works on all current versions.

Sony’s system has held up well for three years, but it was only a matter of time before hackers cracked it. It will be interesting to see if Sony launches a volley of firmware updates to counteract the hackery. For consumers, it will be interesting to see if the homebrew and emulation scenes become as big as they are on the PSP.

Some of you use old iPhone firmware or jailbroken iPhones to take advantage of…unofficial software. Would you do the same with your PS3?


Author: RPadTV


4 thoughts on “Haxxor: PlayStation 3 Hacked By Geohot?”

  1. Simply put…Yes.

    I'm currently exploring options for a home media server that I can access from outside the house. (archaic, but i want it). So if this allows me to use the PS3 for that purpose without a heavy investment otherwise, then I'm all for it and will keep an older software version.

  2. the ps3 isnt hacked yet…he just bypassed one level of security with otheros

    this exploit may lead to something however…but they better be quick, cause sony will crack down on this with the quickness

  3. I guess it would be intriguing to have one hacked PS3 depending on the functionality. but with the way DLC and updates are these days it's not worth it if you only have one system.

    If I could play my emulators on there like I could my Xbox then I would certainly be up for it

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