Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, your pick for the Superbowl, the huge infrastructure gap between AT&T and Verizon, or whether Allen Iverson deserves to be in the NBA All-Star game, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.
Tetsuya Nomura’s comments on the rumored Final Fantasy VII remake added fuel to the fire of a story that’s never going to die. Millions of gamers want it. Square Enix would be stupid not to do it. All three console manufacturers would love it on their system. People are going to keep speculating on a new FFVII until it’s finally made. The whole thing made me wonder about the games you want to see remade.
As for me, FFVII is on the top of my list, but not for the reasons most people want it. Although I enjoy the world now that it was fleshed out by Advent Children and Crisis Core
, I still don’t think VII is one of the best Final Fantasy games. It’s arguably the most important, but I had more fun with IV, V, VI, and X. I want the game to be remade because the videogame world will go absolutely apesh|t for it. It’ll be huge! I’ll have loads of fun writing about it and discussing it with y’all. While I’d certainly be interested in playing a remade and improved version of FFVII, I’m far more interested in the game for the chaos and excitement it would cause.
Today I wanted to see what games you wanted remade. Any blasts from the past that you want modernized? Maybe it’s a game that fell short at the time but would excel with current technology. Leave a comment and let me know (please)!
I have always wanted to see a Double Dragon remake but something tells me it would probably turn out really generic. I would also love to see a remake or even a new Panzer Dragoon video game.
Ducktales! I spent hours hunting for diamonds in that game, and probably bounced more on Scrooge McDuck's cane then his ass was happy about. I think they should turn it into a Uncharted-esque action adventure, just with more of the afore mentioned cane jumping.
@ctlaltdel – Omg, I would love a Double Dragon remake too, but like you I can see it being generic and cheesy.
Mebbie a remake of Solstice and Maniac Mansion >_>
This is an odd question Ray. I really can't think of a game that I would want a remake of. The best remake I have ever played was Twin Snakes and FFIV. Just solid titles with upgraded visuals. If I had to pick…gimme Mutant League Football.
I don't know if this counts as a re-make since they have made some games for the PS2 but with little success but i would love to see a Contra one, either an FPS or TPS or the ability to do both.
I've said it before and I'll say it again- I'd murder a hobo for an updated version of Tenchu.
Double Dragon would be nice.
I'd like to see all of the PS1 era FF games get redone with a current gen look (and maybe a better translation would be great too, huh?)
@ Cami
Maniac Mansion is an awesome pick.
@ Hrolf
I was gonna say Battletoads as well.
@ Double Dragon
That might be hard by today's standards. You also have to remember that the very first screen of that game was the dude punching that chick in the gut.
@ topic
I'd like to see a Back To The Future or Goonies game done right.
Altered Beast!
I love me some Altered Beast. I bought it in the Sega Classic pack for my PS3. It is just as I remember. I played 2-3 times though and got kinda bored. I only EVER make it to the Bear stage before game over though.
@Redd75 I will hold you to your word. Hopefully I can film it and we'll make a lot of money…though we'd probably both go to jail, hey?
@Hrolf Eggplant Wizard needs to be back in games!!!
Kid Icarus
Blaster Master
Battle Toads
Ultima4-7part 2
Secret of Mana
RC Pro Am
Might and Magic (old school)
all of those old D&D computer games from TSR
Police Quest
Kings Quest
Quest for Glory
Space Quest
I can keep going all day most likely…
Battletoads needs to stay in the past. Go watch some YouTube vids of the game if need be.
wasn’t it already remade twice? Altered Beast. I know I bought a version for my GBA.
We'll see Ray, we'll see.