Writers Guild of America Videogame Nominees are a Sham

The Writers Guild of America has announced its nominees for best videogame writing…and in a travesty, WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 was not nominated. This is complete f*$&ing b*llsh*t. While the five nominees feature some superb writing, Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 clearly belongs in the mix. This is a crime against videogames and America. Let me calm down a bit and give you the five nominees:

  • Assassin’s Creed II
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
  • Wet
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I urge you to contact the Writers Guild of America to complain about this criminal ommission.


Author: RPadTV


11 thoughts on “Writers Guild of America Videogame Nominees are a Sham”

  1. I, for one, wholeheartedly agree. It should also be nominated for Best Cutscene(s) — if there is such an award somewhere.

  2. $leazy P Martini avatar, N8R? Impressive! I assume it's not random like the retard-o-star I was assigned.

  3. @ Justin

    No… no accident at all. I went to my first Gwar show in '92 (I think) but it was the tour for America Must Be Destroyed. Since then, I've been to 4 more shows, have all the albums (except the last one, I'm working on that), and about half the movies. I have all the old school vids (because I'm old) but some of the new ones I don't have. I felt the slipped off for a while when they lost Mike Bishop (the original Beefcake) but were still ok. However, I thought Beyond Hell was an awesome record and I really have been slacking on getting Lust In Space. $leazy represents so much to me, it's sick.

    Anyway, the custom avatar thing is described here:


    I can talk Gwar for ages. I'll just quit before it gets too obscene in here.

  4. WTF. Wolverine… and not Batman. Wet and not Batman…

    /picks up Emergency Banana Phone

    "General, there are some pants on the floor that need adjusting… if you know what I mean"

  5. On second look… I was going over the publishers of the nominees. We got 1 Ubisoft, 1 Sony, and 3 Activision.

    Damn you Activision.

  6. @ correction to #5

    I DO have Lust In Space… I just haven’t listened to it yet (am doing that right now… pretty bad ass).

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