Pre-Order God of War III at 7-Eleven and Get a Cool Poster

Sony Computer Entertainment of America has announced God of War III pre-order promotion in conjunction with 7-Eleven. If you pre-order the game in the land of Big Gulps and Slurpees, you’ll get a nifty God of War III poster (pictured above).

It’s a nice promotion, but it got me wondering about the viability of 7-Eleven as a game retailer. I’ve never gone to the store for anything but unhealthy snacks. How about you? Have any of you purchased games at 7-Eleven?


Author: RPadTV

4 thoughts on “Pre-Order God of War III at 7-Eleven and Get a Cool Poster”

  1. No, I have not, but I would rather pre-order the game at 7-11 for a free Slurpee over a poster any day. I am more of an instant gratification kind of guy, which is why I prefer hookers over dating non-hookers.

    Not that I've ever had anything to do with a hooker. I'm just saying that their direct approach to certain situations is more desirable to the crazy and irrational mating rituals that we are forced to endure to get somewhere with some people that won't even acknowledge your advancements but they do, for some strange reason, notice your chronic halitosis.

    So yeah,… Slurpees.


  2. Slurpees are better than Big Gulps and Big Bites in my humble opinion… which can also contribute to chronic halitosis.


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