(Not a) PSA: Best Buy Giving Away Free TweetDeck App

In one of the boldest marketing moves I’ve seen all decade, Best Buy is giving away the excellent TweetDeck application for free! Of course the application is free to begin with, but maybe some of Best Buy’s customers don’t know that and will fall for this lame “deal”. The Consumerist has reported:

They’re offering an amazing deal this week — buy a CD from certain Interscope musicians, and you can download Tweetdeck for iPhone absolutely free. Which would be a very nice deal if Tweetdeck weren’t already free.  Actually, the custom version of Tweetdeck comes pre-loaded following sixteen Interscope musicians, so it’s even less of a deal.

That’s funny and dickish of Best Buy at the same time. Oh marketers and their ploys….


Author: RPadTV


7 thoughts on “(Not a) PSA: Best Buy Giving Away Free TweetDeck App”

  1. @Smartguy;

    Marketing is a tool and should not be considered sleazy per se, since it reflects the person or company that weilds it. Much like a hammer, a guitar, or the federal government; great things can happen when good people utilize them properly. Consequently, if untalented or uneducated people use these things, it would be an invitation for disaster.

    I'm sure that you, youself have had to market your accounting skills over the years. If you've ever applied for a job, you are marketing yourself. If you do freelance work, you must use a form of marketing to get jobs or convince people to use your services. Hell, this whole entire site is a marketing job of Mr. Padilla.

    It wouldn't be fair of me to say all accounting is evil even though I detest what companies like Enron, Worldcom and Madoff Securities have done. I'm sure there is a nice, particullarly warm, dark corner of hell reserved for those CFOs.


  2. @iceman

    My earlier comment was just to banter you. My best friend actually graduated with a degree in marketing and went on to get an MBA.


  3. I had a feeling, Smartguy, but it's so difficult to read body language over these sites.


    Your Steelers are going down this week. In the words of Stewart Griffin; "Prepare to get your face out of your loins and bury it in some humble pie."


  4. @iceman

    To add to the pile of jokes to myself, I'm studying for Law School. That's right…an accountant who wants to be a lawyer.

  5. @ Iceman

    Troy has a good chance of being healthy this week… and we need the win BADLY. We are definitely bringing our A-game.

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