January 2010 Issue of Playboy Features Tara Reid and Gamer Girls

The January 2010 issue of Playboy is looking completely awesome — it features the sexy Tara Reid (naked) and a bunch of female videogame characters (also naked). The (naked) gamer girls include Heavy Rain’s Madison Paige, Hecuba Manaros from God of War III, Skylar St. Claire from The Saboteur, Beatrice Portinari from Dante’s Inferno, and Bella Antonelli from Mafia II.

Tara Reid has a special place in my heart and it all started at a videogame event. I’ve had a crush on her ever since I saw her throw a huge tantrum at a PlayStation 2 anniversary party in Los Angeles. Security wouldn’t let her into the after-party and she was cursing up a storm. She demanded that the hotel let her into the party or get her a limo. After a few minutes of swearing like a sailor, her limousine arrived. It was pretty hot.


Author: RPadTV


8 thoughts on “January 2010 Issue of Playboy Features Tara Reid and Gamer Girls”

  1. tara reid=not sexy

    there are girls at a strip club near you who look much better, and are slightly less medicated

  2. Will they show her completely nude and unaltered? The freak side of me wants to see the pepperoni, blotched nipple malfunction that the plastic surgeons did to her boob(s).


  3. i wanna see the blonde chick from uncharted

    also, the way jim lee used to draw psylocke was ALMOST good enough to use as pron

  4. @ctlaltdel

    you flatter me, its good to feel appreciated, you should have a talk with my gf

    this time, BEFORE you bang her out

  5. @thundercracker


    I was gifted a sub for Playboy this Christmas. I think i will keep it. It is pretty cheap. Plus the free DVDs….

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