Fallout 3 Avatar Clothes Coming Thursday

Fallout 3 Avatar clothing

Bethesda has announced a line of Fallout 3 dolly avatar clothes for Xbox Live. The following threads and one accessory will be available on Thursday:

  • Vault 101 Suit — 240 MS Points
  • Bethesda Game Studios Shirt — 80 MS Points
  • Fallout 3 Ringer Shirt — 80 MS Points
  • Vault Boy Shirt — 80 MS Points
  • Vault Boy Suit — 240 MS Points
  • Vault Boy Head — 80 MS Points

I know that a lot of you are down on dolly avatar clothes and accessories, but some of this Fallout 3 gear is cool. Anyone tempted to buy some?


Author: RPadTV


14 thoughts on “Fallout 3 Avatar Clothes Coming Thursday”

  1. haven't bought any clothing or accessories yet. not too different from my real life. clothes are the last thing I'll spend money on unless I need them.

    My avatar seems content with a stock shirt

  2. I don't buy much in the way of Avatar clothing. I bought the N7 shirt from Mass Effect (because I'm a junkie for that game) and I bought the Les Paul Guitar since I play for realz and my little boy likes it.

  3. @RPAD, lol true. why do I even bother going out. I'll tell you though my avatar could be nude. that would be hilarious

  4. @nightshade – closest I've come is the Broncos jersey. if ever I have extra points after a purchase I may actually get that one

  5. @Shockwave562 In my latest Dragon Age run, I'm using a female mage. When she's not in battle, I make her walk around without her robe. It totally cracks me up. (And no, I won't grow up.)

  6. @Shockwave: Broncos, huh? You and I are going head to head this week it seems. Go Giants!

    In an related note, I watched the Giants and Chargers at a local sports bar a couple of weeks back. They sat me down at the table next to this giant somoan dude in a Shawn Merriman jersey. I was afraid that if the Giants won, he might crush me.

  7. I have yet to buy any clothing for my avadoll, but the fallout boy head and vault suit will be mine.

    im just glad they dont have the chinese stealth suit, slasher mask, or a death claw accessory or else I might not have any points left.

  8. Doesn't it bother anyone that we (as primarily adult males) are doing the same thing that our sisters were doing when they were nine years old? The only difference is that we cannot physically play with our dolls, but we dress them, admire them and give them a personality and parade them around to other people.


  9. @ Shockwave and R Pad

    No shirt, no shoes, no service.

    Am I the only one who noticed that they never care if you wear pants?

  10. @Hrolf What if Marvel released a Mjolnir accessory?

    @Iceman Boys play with action figures, not dollies.

    @N8R I'm still trying to figure out how Winnie the Pooh got away with it for decades.

  11. @ R Pad

    Didn't we have a conversation once about how Mickey was probably more successful then Donald because Donald decided to entertain children without pants?

    I still think the sailor hat didn't help either.

  12. That would be fitting considering my religious beliefs are Asatru and Mjolnir is one of our holy symbols.

    Id totally spend the money to represent Thor.

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