Mass Effect 2 Collector’s Edition Detailed

Mass Effect 2 Collectors Edition

Electronic Arts has announced details on the $69.99 Mass Effect 2 Collector’s Edition. Today’s press release stated:

Available on January 26 in North America (Jan 29 in EU) alongside the standard edition, the Collectors’ Edition of Mass Effect 2 comes in a premium, tin case and includes the full version of the game, a 48-page hardcover “Art of Mass Effect 2” book, Issue 1 of the Mass Effect Redemption comic book, and a bonus DVD with behind-the-scenes and making-of videos. In addition, the Mass Effect 2 Collectors’ Edition will include unique in-game weapons and armor that can only be obtained by purchasing this version.

I’m pretty sure I’ll still be playing Dragon Age: Origins when ME2 comes out, but I’ll be sure to get this game (and really, anything that BioWare puts out). How about you? Collector’s or plain vanilla?

Author: RPadTV

6 thoughts on “Mass Effect 2 Collector’s Edition Detailed”

  1. It is a rare time when I can enjoy so much Bioware. the more the merrier. I'm not a collector's edition sort of guy though, I'm not going to flip through an art book or watch a making of DVD. I don't want a toy that comes with it either. Just give me the game and time off work to finish it :)

  2. I agree with @Shockwave. I normally won't flip through the books, or put in the extra DVD. If they are offering additonal content outside of the equipment, I'll consider spending extra to get it, but most of the time the game itself is more then enough for me.


    Seriously, I can't wait for this game to come out. I'll just stick with the regular version as collector's editions aren't my thing in general.

  4. Anybody here know if EA is planning on releasing a compilation Mass Effect package that includes Mass Effect 1 & 2, plus all the DLC and maybe some extras?

    Since I never got around to playing the first Mass Effect, getting the whole experience in one package would be ideal.


  5. @Iceman: you can get the first Mass Effect for $19.99 new. That's the Platinum Hits version which includes the first DLC. The 2nd DLC is kinda poor and you won't really miss it.

  6. Even if it's exactly the same…that cover art for the tin box is worth it to me. That looks flippin' sweet. BioWare craps pure gold and I will give extra money to them in a heartbeat. Call me a fanboy but I am so sised for this game.

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