This Week’s Videogame Releases

Grand Theft Auto V will hit store shelves this week. That’s pretty much all you need to know, right? Rockstar’s latest GTA will be one of the biggest games of 2013, if not the biggest. If you’re late to the PlayStation 3 party, you can pick up the GTAV PS3 500GB bundle. If open-world hyper-violence isn’t your thing then there’s…uh…Hot Wheels World’s Best Driver and We Sing: 80s. Right.

So, who’s picking up Grand Theft Auto V this week? Anyone? Anyone?

Author: RPadTV

3 thoughts on “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

  1. I’m gonna wait for the PC version. I’d prefer the persistent world to be on the platform where most of my friends will be. Aside from superior performance.

    1. You might be waiting a while. There has been no announcement for PC. Good thing you have a console. With all of your previous posts on PC gaming superiority, it’s times like these that you realize that consoles have their own advantages over Steam’s gaming gestapo… namely, GTA V.

      (Yeah, this trash talking is going to continue on to September 30th, across all categories).


      1. That’s fine. I would prefer to play the game in HD anyway. Besides I have so many GOOD cheap games thanks to Steam and the openness of the PC’s digital market in general to keep me busy. Enjoy those load screens on 10 year old tech.

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