What Are You Playing This Weekend?

This weekend will be all about the PlayStation 3 for me. My copy of Disgaea 4 finally arrived (thanks Ted!) and I can’t wait to jump into it. I love, love, love tactical RPGs and it has been way too long since I’ve enjoyed one. That changes this weekend. Hopefully I’ll have time for The ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection too. I love that a whole new generation of gamers will get to experience ICO. Hell, I’m glad I get to experience it again!

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


32 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. Lots of BF3 with some MW3 sprinkled in.

    I'm gonna hold off til Black Friday to get MGS HD collection, then I will replay them all.

  2. Same as Smartguy. About to jump into BF3 this morning

    If I get out today I might pick up Skyrim

  3. Not much gaming well maybe in a bit MW3 and some BF3 since I'm off but Friday night is busy and sat I'm watching Marquez vs Pacquiao and the UFC on fox.

    Also thank you to all those who serve and protected our country for the freedoms we enjoy today.

  4. I must stop reading about the new Zelda. It sounds so great. If I had extra time, I'd buy about $400 worth of games.

  5. Arkham City (Thanks, Smartguy! (Can I repay you in Dolphins tickets?)

    I started playing it for a few hours on Thursday, but unfortunately, I spent most of that time on those stupid training exercises. "What the hell?" I said after my 47th try on some advanced gliding exercise. "I'm f*#%ing Batman! I don't need a training exercise in how to glide. I practiced enough during Year One; and even if I did need to practice gliding, I don't think that it should be done in the middle of a hostile environment when there's a thug right below me that desperately needs to get my fist in his face." Also (maybe it's just an adjustment I have to make from the Spider-Man game, but) why does Batman fight so slow in this game? He's damn near Marcus Fenix levels of slow. I'm going to have to unlock that faster fighting upgrade to see if that helps. /end preliminary rant.

    I'll reserve my full judgment until I get to the end of the game, though.


    1. Yeah, that last level of AR Training is kinda laborious. Go back to it later when you have a better feel for the dive bomb.

      Other than that, hurry up. I can't wait to compare my scores to yours since Nightshade doesn't like to fight.

      I ended up scamming Best Buy into giving me a Robin code. So now I have all the DLC characters to get the achievements with. I am not looking forward to doing all those campaigns 3 more times.

      1. The AR Training by the subway gave me fits. I would try it over and over like a dozen times, and then leave and come back and try it again later. I finally got it, but I'm still not sure how I pulled it off.

      2. That one and 2 others gave me trouble.

        The one that starts on the crane where you have to glide like 2 feet above the water through the tunnel, and the one where you have to basically 180 in air. I STILL don't think I'm doing it right even though I passed it twice now.

        Much like 100 hit combos, it got easier once I stumbled onto the trick. What you do is when your dive is low enough to where you want to be, let go of the only the trigger (not A) sooner and bring your glide up more gently. You end up coasting farther and faster in one glide like that.

        It got to a point to where I finished my second run Zsasz missions with like at least 40 seconds left on each call. That's what the AR missions are for, a tutorial for how to glide across the whole map fast as hell.

      3. See, now the gliding generally comes more naturally to me than the free flow challenge rooms do. Maybe it's just my preference for playing "the rogue," but I'd rather play the Predator rooms.

      4. I'm down with Predator rooms… in doses. Those campaigns drive me insane, mainly the ones that are Predator heavy.

        Now that I'm doing it with DLC characters, it's even more aggravating since none of them have as many moves as Batman and none of them have the Disarm move which I crutch on come the cattle prods an car door shields.

        The worst is Catwoman. Robin actually kicks alot of ass. He's simple, but just enough of what you need in the fights. He's clutch in Predator too because he has this bullet shield that expands from his staff. You can stand there with 3 dudes unloading on you and it takes all of them. He also has a cape so he glides, and has the same detective vision as Batman. He also has gel.

        Nightwing is pimp for reasons you know. My only drawback is that some of his combat moves take too long. I adjust and work it out though.

        My issues with Catwoman…. Okay, the hardest combat room is Funhouse Brawl Extreme. Round 2 of it has a bunch of goons (tasers, shields, and all), one of those Bane type guys, and one of those one armed Lieutenants. Round 4, has even MORE goons with all the fixin's, One of those one armed clowns, and TWO of the Bane type guys. The score is usually easy, it's survival that makes it hard.

        Now, I have the strategy for that level down with Batman, Robin, and Nightwing on those levels, no problem. I can get MASSIVE combos with them. Catwoman… DOESN'T CLIMB ON TOP OF THE VENOM GUYS!!!!! It totally screws the strategy. Other than that, she has like 2 gadgets and a whip. She sucks.

        I'm sweating the campaigns with all the DLC for a few reasons. The campaigns make you use all these modifiers at some point. With Batman, I ended up using his entire arsenal on some of them and every DLC character is missing some key gadget. Like, Nightwing is the only other one with a disrupter. That thing rules for mines and when somebody has a hostage. Robin is the only other one with gel and that can glide. Catwoman… well, she's the only one with a shapely behind. Especially when she crawls.

      5. I find for her story missions and just random "I don't need to worry about a score" melee situations, Catwoman is actually a very easy character to use. I haven't really done any of the challenge rooms with her though.

        Right now I'm watching my wife get her hands on Skyrim for the 1st time. I'm encouraging her to do different stuff than I've done so far so that I can see more of the game.

      6. Her story missions are a total waste of time. You're right in that she's easy to use, but she's SUPER basic. Too basic in fact. If she would just ride the venom dudes like everyone else, I'd get over it. Instead, she wants to piss me off.

        I'm not personally ready for Skyrim. Firstly because I've never been into that kind of fantasy realm. I'm more into sci-fi and straight ahead action I can relate to. I've made few exceptions (Zelda being one of them) that I liked. I would choose Star Wars over Lord of the Rings any day… even if I only get to choose from episodes 1-3. Magic and trolls and elves and royal blood lines… all ends up in my Fucket Bucket.

        However, I purposefully revisit stuff I don't like in these veins often to see if for some reason I feel differently this time. I suppose it's my effort to keep an open mind. I do it with music too. For example, every year or so I listen to the Grateful Dead just to see if there's something I missed. For about 16 years straight now… there has been no change in my opinion. I did the same with Yes… and about 7 years ago… I saw what I was missing. Game genres are similar for me in that regard.

        Skyrim definitely seems like the game in this realm I should check out and it is about that time, but I can wait 6 months when the price is $20 used or even hold out for the GOTY edition. I'm not fiending it the way I have with Batman AC, RDR, and I know I will with GTA5. I do this with albums as well. I know it's out there, and I literally feel my nerves twitching beneath my skin. It doesn't stop until I have it in my possession. I was doing good with Batman AC, but I saw a gameplay video, remembered the fights, and it started. I needed to get it that day, so I got it.

        What I'm also finding is that there are lots of sports games that are super fun. Even if I have no idea what the rules of the game are, that makes it better because I learn as I play. I could never watch college basketball on tv, but I'll play the hell out of some March Madness. The Rugby game is pretty cool too.

      7. My wife played rugby in college, so I tried renting one for her a while back. Neither one of us could get the hang of it.

        But that's actually how I got into soccer. I had a roommate in college who was into it, so I used to play FIFA with him. I eventually learned th rules and really for into watching the EPL after that. It's funny because I went from not caring obituaries soccer at al to being completely snobbish about how bad MLS is.

      8. lol…..I tend to move on to the next thing pretty quickly. I picked up Uncharted 3 for myself, and then I drew the reviews for both The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Assassin's Creed: Revelations, so I'm pretty busy with other games. It's the reason I don't really play a lot of multiplayer. While some people may have the time to dedicate to getting really good at it, I'm already playing 6 other things. ::shrug::

      9. I ain't hatin'. Don't trip.

        I personally tried that before (many holidays in fact), and I couldn't do it. I'm immersive like that. I don't care so much about achievements as much as I care about drawing the personal experience I gain from these games. It's like a world transplant kinda thing for me (if that makes sense). So I guess you could say that I play games for similar reasons that other people do drugs and go to bars.

        I wouldn't have gone for 100% in AC if I didn't want to and I totally get why anyone (yourself included) wouldn't. I picked up Dead Island, I've been trying to FINALLY complete all the New Vegas DLC (a game that's not holding me like it's predecessor did), yet I STILL find myself drawn back to crippling thugs in AC. I'm done with story and story+ and it's all Riddler's Revenge now.

        If I come across like I'm urging you to get better at AC and play more, it's really because I want to give my self a push to get even higher crazy scores. I'm in the top 100 on like 2 Nightwing maps and my Batman maps are all pretty good, but I want a visual reason to shoot higher.

        Aside from that, I totally get it, and it's cool. Sorry if I seem pushy, I really don't mean to be.

      10. Patience, grasshopper. I will soon give you a run for your money on those challenge maps. I would like to get through the game at least once first and unlock everything.

        In the meantime, why not ask Big Blak to fight with you in Mortal Kombat?


      11. Absolutely unlock everything. You kinda have to.

        As for BB, I've tried that old ruse. I got him so scared he fled across the country and in that process, I won the RPad.tv championship.

        He was just a pawn in a much bigger game… muah-ha-ha.

      12. Why the hell didn't anybody tell me that I could slow down the remote-controlled bat-arang?! Do you know how much time I've wasted tring to get some of those damn trophies? Gha!


    2. By the way… yes, the fighting speed is a transition thing.

      I put AA in the other day to try and boost my scores knowing what I know now, and AA was WAY slower than AC by a long shot. So in turn, they stepped it up, but Batman doesn't fight like Spidey. Spidey is a super-powered, agile, fast, powerhouse with an actual sixth sense. Batman, is a highly trained dude in armor with awesome toys who stands his ground and cripples anything that comes near it.

      They shouldn't feel the same.

      1. Yeah, I know, it's just that there is a noticeable transition period to get adjusted to each fighter. I went from Arkham Asylum to Spider-Man to Arkham City. When I first played Spider-Man it took some getting used to because Spidey felt really "loose" compared to Batman. Now, the opposite is happening. After god-knows-how-many hours I sunk into Shattered Dimensions, Batman in Arkham City feels "stiff" and slow. I am holding my own in the fights just fine, but I remember being better than this in the other game. I got three bats on Shock & Awe Extreme and Ruble in the Jungle Extreme, plus I beat AA on hard for crying out loud!


      2. Yeah, I also went back and played some Arkham Asylum after beating Arkham City. The polish level in everything from the graphics to the free frow combat is immediately noticeable.

  6. Well even though the weekend is almost over, I'm finally getting a chance to post here. It's been Pokemon black for me along with MW3. I'm actually liking the online multiplayer. I've heard a lot of people dissing this one saying that the maps are too small; I've played nothing but large maps, no problem with spawn kills (although I did like Nuketown) but I've had some issues with camping a couple times. Really haven't had a ton of time to play though since I've had work all weekend. Gotta get back to Pokemon Black soon though so I can do some IV breeding now that I have my perfect IV dittos.

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