Pokemon Black/White Sells 2.6-Million in Two Days

Enterbrain, courtesy of Andriasang, has reported that Pokemon Black and Pokemon White have sold more than 2.6-million units in its first two days of availability. This is a new record for the series. I’m posting this information for all those people that say things like, “Pokemon is so dead!” and, “People still play Pokemon?” Take that! Muahahahahaha!!! Like the season two theme song says, “We all live in a Pokemon world!”


Author: RPadTV


3 thoughts on “Pokemon Black/White Sells 2.6-Million in Two Days”

  1. Damn. I haven't played a Pokemon game since college (that would be the Ruby/Sapphire version for those of you keeping count). I really am surprised that the phenomenon has lasted so long, but they seem to be doing a fine job at keeping and/or replacing Poke-fans throughout the years.

    For me to get back into it, though, it would probably have to take something like that real-life fan video that was posted yesterday. I would love to play a game that can combine Pokemon with Condemned.


  2. Leaf Green never leaves my gameboy.

    I wouldn't mind the playing the new ones but I'd have to buy a DS.

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