New Analog Stick for Sony PlayStation Portable

Kotaku has posted pictures of an upcoming Monster Hunter Portable 3rd limited edition PSP that sports a redesigned analog stick. The new stick appears to be concave for her pleasure added comfort. It also comes with an extended battery, which is perfect for all those Japanese Monster Hunter addicts that sit in large rooms with dozens of other gamers and play the game for hours (I’ve seen this. It’s…weird).

The Monster Hunter Portable 3rd PSP will be available in Japan on December 1, 2010.

What do you think of the new analog stick? Would you get a new PSP because of it? I’ve been struggling to understand the Monster Hunter phenomenon in Japan for years. Do you get it? If so, kindly explain it to me.


Author: RPadTV

4 thoughts on “New Analog Stick for Sony PlayStation Portable”

  1. That looks like an awfully awkward place to put the analog stick. It seems like it would be uncomfortable to have your thumb reach down there for extended periods of time.

    … and no, I do not understand the Monster Hunter phenomenon. I figured it was (is) a clone of the Pokemon phenomenon and was happy enough to categorize it accordingly in my brain. Case closed.


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