The Seven Wonders of Ys Seven

Xseed localization specialist Tom Lipschultz posted this excellent video of the upcoming Ys Seven for PlayStation Portable. The game hits next week, but if you want a glimpse at Ys Seven’s world then check out this video.

I’m super psyched for more Ys. The series means a lot to longtime JRPG nerds. While loads of my friends can’t wait for the game, I was wondering if the series means anything to you. Anyone down for some new Ys action?


Author: RPadTV

6 thoughts on “The Seven Wonders of Ys Seven”

  1. Ehhh I got too many "to buy" games on my list for this year. I never got to play Y's, but I've seen it from time to time for sale for the DS. This version looks pretty cool to me too.

  2. A new pc upgrade for one.

    Metroid: Other M

    FFXIV Online in Sept.

    Castlevnia: LoS in Oct (right before mah birthday!) and Super Scribblenauts

    LBP2 and (maybe) DC Universe >_>

  3. And when I mean pc upgrade I mean new HDD and processor. Something to run FFXIV on since my old one can't. Plus a new soundsystem b/c my old one I've had for like 7 years kicked the bucket one speaker at a time in the last 5 months lol.

  4. Well, while I say DC, that more or less means that's what my hubby wants to play, after his let down of SW.

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