Milo and Kate for Xbox 360 Kinect is Coming: Do You Care?

Recently there was some controversy on whether Milo — the virtual indentured servant for Xbox Kinect that wowed some people and terrified others — was a real game or a tech demo. Microsoft’s American PR said one thing, but Microsoft Game Studios Peter Molyneux said something else. At the end of the day, it looks like Milo and Kate is an actual product. Sir Peter told GI Biz:

This is a full product that we’re working on. Poor Aaron Greenberg — he’s on the PR team, he hasn’t seen it since last year, so he came up with this stock answer that Milo is alive and well and living in Guildford but it’s still a tech demo. If I had spent time with him and showed him the game recently, he’d know what was going on…. All that technology that we showed at E3 last year actually does work.

While the internal Microsoft bickering is highly amusing, what I really want to know is if you care about this game. Whether it’s deserved or not, Molyneux has a reputation for not delivering on his grand promises. Milo received a ton of hype at E3 2009, but like so many Kinect projects, I don’t see how it’s fun. (Letting me beat Milo with a virtual stick would increase the entertainment value of this game by a factor of 14.) Do you care about Milo and Kate for Kinect?


Author: RPadTV

20 thoughts on “Milo and Kate for Xbox 360 Kinect is Coming: Do You Care?”

  1. I think it was and IS just a tech demo. I doubt it works, but I am sure they are working hard to keep their foot out of their mouth.

    Also not interested in Milo & Kate at all. Can I just get Kate?

  2. Milo and Kate Pinata…next in the line of Viva Pinata games where the main characters take a turn for the worse, becoming the ultimate pinatas to be beaten mercilessly.

  3. Also, hopefully Milo and Kate do not have a side mission where they have to reproduce eight children…unless the option is available to beat all 10 of them mercilessly in the same minigame. That would have potential.

  4. @Ray

    Milo and Kate + Chainsaws would be a priority purchase for me over Nintendogs + Cats!!

  5. See I didn't understand the controversy. From day one I saw the video I understood that it was not an actual game but a tech demo. I was surprised to see people expecting a game out of it. Is hanging out with a kid by the pond all that exciting?

  6. @ Smartguy

    Those are the same people that already have real kids in their basement that do whatever they want.

  7. @ray

    dude, youve interacted with milo at e3 last year, right?

    was it amusing in any way?

  8. @Milo

    My theory is that Milo is actually the component inside Kinect that does the owner's bidding when the voice controls are activated. Whenever you say "bitch play movie" Milo has to run and press play, "bitch search for prOn on Netflix" Milo has to find the best movies that Netflix has with the most pornographic content, etc. Milo was created for the sole purpose of making Peter Molyneux's dream of voice control on the 360 paired with having his own personal digi-slave for optimum laziness.

    Or Milo was just a tech demo…but I like my idea better.

  9. lmao@ray

    that may be the funniest thing ive ever heard you say, and thats saying a ton


    I guess its ok for me to poke fun at AMERICAN slavery, after all it is kinda over.

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