Heavy Rain Box Art

Sony has unveiled the official box art for Quantic Dream’s Heavy Rain. A lot of you are looking forward to this game (me too!) and the box art should get those fires burning even higher. Check it out and let me know what you think (please)!

Author: RPadTV


6 thoughts on “Heavy Rain Box Art”

  1. Well all I see now when I see the girl is her dancing naked…so good thing she is the main focal point. I mean you literally have to check out her boobs to read the title. Well played sir.

    I hope the game comes with an Origami Crane tipped with blood in the box also

  2. @Slicky;

    Maybe instead of including the origami blood-stained crane in the special edition, they'll just include a piece of paper, folding instructions, and a razor blade.


  3. If people are so infatuated with absurdly pointless box art, let them all get together, pitch in some money and start a video game box art museum. Just remind them to make a section dedicated to Mega Man.


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