Matt Hazard: Blood, Bath, & Beyond Video + Questions Wanted

Here’s a fun video of the upcoming Matt Hazard: Blood, Bath, & Beyond. This game blends old-school, 2D shooting with an irreverent, satirical tone. I loved the writing and style of the first game and am looking forward to this sequel (coming to PSN and Xbox Live). I have an opportunity to interview the developers of the game, so if you have any questions, please leave ’em in the comments section!

Author: RPadTV

3 thoughts on “Matt Hazard: Blood, Bath, & Beyond Video + Questions Wanted”

  1. I just want to know if there were any characters that they decided not to do because of the fear of being sued?

  2. Why did they choose to go the route of PSN/Arcade rather then another full form game? I like te art style and I think it will let them explore the different situations that Matt can get in, but some may look at it as a step back.

  3. I just want to know why some 2D games had to die, thank god they are coming back. Megan Man, Bionic Commando, and Metroid are just a few that rightfully belong in 2d glory.

    Shadow Complex was one of the most impressive games I've played this year and for a good reason. I'd like to see more games like this out of the Arcade/PSN

    I don't really have a question but a comment. looks awesome and I'm looking forward to giving it a shot

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