Greetings From E3 2010!!!

– E3 2010 has been fantastic so far, but totally surprising. I can’t believe that my two favorite games of the show (so far) are Wii titles!!! Kirby’s Epic Yarn and Epic Mickey are just incredible. They’re very different, but I’m digging them for the same reasons — clever gameplay and unique art direction.

– The Activision party was the most impressive, but EA’s Bulletstorm party was the most fun. It’s always nice catching up with Cliffy B and having a “normal” conversation with an old friend.

– I met “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes…but I didn’t bring him any plunder. His son was there too. Cody is a handsome young man. I wonder if he’ll look like his dad in 30 years.

– My mark out moment of the show was when Iga said hello to me at the Konami booth. Wow. The dude that made the best Castlevania games ever said hello to me!!! I must have made an impression on him on the handful of times we went out for karaoke in Tokyo.

– I’m still taking meetings and cranking for Shacknews, but I’ll be checking in when I can. Real content is coming soon!!! For now, let me know which E3 2010 games have got you excited.

Author: RPadTV

103 thoughts on “Greetings From E3 2010!!!”

  1. I actually thought that Sorcery game looked like it had some potential.

    I'd like to see that game that is supposed to take on God of War (pure curiosity)

    I am not the least bit excited by Gears 3 or Halo 14.

  2. I forgot about Portal 2. I LOVED the first one, the second one looks even better.

    Did they show anything from Fallout New Vegas? I must have missed it if they did

  3. @ Slicky

    I was wondering the same thing. When I checked out, they had a video that was apparently an exclusive gameplay trailer for it.

    It looks sick… I can't wait.

  4. @Tokz

    I think I heard something about that somewhere…something about controlling the ghosts as well and them only seeing what was directly in front of them…? I don't remember for sure but that concept seems interesting.

    @E3 Games

    I was glad to hear something about Portal 2, but I haven't really heard or seen a lot lately that has really peaked my interest. Which is rather disappointing. I will probably play Gears 3 when that comes out, but I am more of a fan of fps than 3rd person shooters.

    Halo: Reach is still as interesting to me as it was before, same with CoD Black Ops.

    I am glad to hear that Kirby and Donkey Kong Country are making their returns to the big N…I might just have to get a wii for those games and a couple of the other Mario games…or at least play on someone else's for a bit.

  5. The game at E3 that really got my blod pumping is Monopoly Streets! Definitely GOTY material.


  6. @Tokz

    I said cool concept, lol, nothing more. It will probably never be a good game, but it's one of those things you could talk about doing and just never actually do…unfortunately I think someone is actually doing it.

    The way I remember hearing it is that it was a 5 person multiplayer game, seems to me like someone just wanted to make pac-man a party game.

  7. Child of Eden is number one on my list. Seriously if Microsoft could have done one thing to better their presser, it would have been showing this game. It is the only real game I've heard of that supports Kinect.

    Of course the Reach info I'm hearing is awesome, although to spread out to make a as good an impression as it should, and Square Enix releasing the Benchmark tool for FFXIV was awesome. I'm actually lad Nvidia has their logo in the benchmark. Square has had trouble with PC games in the past and hopefully Nvidia is turning out to be a good partner. (That and it means I can expect some FFXIV love in their driver update <3)

  8. Nintendo: Zelda, Epic Mickey, Kirby Epic Yarn and GoldenEye
    PS3: Killzone 3
    360: the MGS game and Gears 3
    DS: I’m actually more interested in the 3DS games they seem to all be N64 classics. LotZ: OoT, Starfox 64, Pilotwings i could go on and on.

  9. i authored a thread at shacknews as well, i tried to be as diplomatic and courteous as possible….they took the thread down…but wow, there are some major league assholes over there, the majority seem ok though i guess

  10. @thundercracker

    you had one of the most epic thread posts ever though with your step brothers line. it was great.

  11. Sorry BB but go Lakers!

    I couldn't pull for Boston lol. They put Howard out and Thibodeau turned down the Hornets job lol

  12. as much as i hate both the lakers and the celtics, i was pulling for LA…even though every time i see kobe, it makes me cringe, cause we drafted him……GO HORNETS!!

  13. they used to be the charlotte hornets :) closest thing i had to a home team….and dont say the wizards…theyve never really been a team

  14. yeah i got banned over at the shack…for what? i dont know, but let me be the first to say this


  15. here is the entire ban message, and my reply

    /[Duke Nuked Wrote:


    You have been banned for the period of: Permanently

    Reason: Banned for admitted trolling. If you would like to explain yourself, message me back. As it stands, it just seems like you're here to cause ruckus as your own whim. We're not buying.

    smartguy :I don’t like it. I posted a troll comment to see if ppl follow them at all. Some replied but it was hard to follow. It just doesn’t flow well.

    thundercracker :yeah i commented on it too, because the geniuses over there were calling you “dumbguy”

    ahhhh…sigh…they’re retarded

    also they refer to themselves as shackers?

    – Geedeck

    – Geedeck


    yeah so did you ban the guy who were insulting smartguy? No? How the hell was i trolling when i didnt even say that on this site? How many "who the fuck is ray padilla?" comments ive heard since ive been here? I have not trolled on this site, ive made every attempt to be both diplomatic and respectful to the people of this site…you CAN NOT say the same about your loyal readers….ban them too or you are a fucking hypocrite

  16. I got banned because of a comment I made off of their site? LOL. I'm sorry, that is just a bit retarded. Actually, a lot retarded. Perhaps instead of Morning discussion, they should call it "Only agree with the writer and do not say anything contrary to anyone or anything"

    How utopian…reminds me of when Leahy started that crap at G4.

  17. the funny thing is that i posted that on THIS SITE, i didnt post anything negative over there at all.

    Smartguy you are prolly banned too, hoss

  18. ray whatever those fucking douchebags are paying you, well just send you a check so you dont have to lower yourself by venturing into the shitshack anymore

  19. Did you ban everyone who insulted me? I also made a bad post on so I'd hope that you went there and saw it as well. Your writing isn't bad on this site but your community is too juvenile for my tastes.

    I also read your ToS (the equivalent) and wow, there is nothing there that says I can't comment on other websites. I demand to be reinstated on that principle.

    That is what I replied to my ban message.

  20. dude, someone with a screenname similar to my old one posted a message in the new morning discussion there. interesting….

  21. @smartguy

    yeah i just created a new name too and replied

    By: smartguy81

    I was disappointed that there is no game about trolls this year. Guess I will create a few more trolls in WoW.

    trolls have to be cautious lest they get burned : boring gegtik


    boring gegtik

    yeah cause it would be a real tragedy not to be able to converse with such a unique and diverse community of homosexuals

  22. wtf! I go to bed and wake up to this…. what did i miss??? I tried reading your past posts and i'm still confused. You both got banned for commenting about the shack on this site?

  23. yeah tokz

    we both got banned cause we talked bad about the shitshack on THIS SITE…

    the shitshack apparently has secret police

  24. that's the most retarded thing i heard…wait there are more but that's the most retarted thing i've heard today. wtf!

  25. i might get banned too. Some guy told me that i'm an idiot for commenting on rpad's article about MMA and how i'm not interested. I told him i was supporting the writer and called him an ass clown.

  26. no as far as i know, you can as i can ascertain, you can say whatever you want over there, you just cant say ANYTHING critical about them or their readers on another site, you may insult the integrity of "Shacknews"

    i hope whoever banned me is reading this, and has the balls to respond…to you, i say "go fuck yourself"

  27. then if he responds back i'll make an epic post that will include all the no no's that ejectorpod mentioned yesterday.

  28. @Shacknews

    Wow this is a bit ridiculous. I suggest everyone stop associating with them at all. No reason to go down to their level.

    But I did find a Submit News button at the top. lol.

  29. I can't believe they ban people for that though. That place acts more like 4chan.

  30. OnLive supposedly is available today. I thought about trying it but the service does NOT support wifi. Guess that excludes the Mac community

  31. @smartguy

    Yeah i took a look at it. I saw that they have some founding members thing going on if you sign up from now until july 15 i think. The first year is free and the second year is like 5 bucks a month. It's tempting but if it doesn't support wifi what's the point.

  32. @tokz

    I was gonna try it as well. The only thing that has an Ethernet cable connection is my wireless router

  33. almost the US had some good chances but Slovenia got lucky. The US needs to score 3 goals to come back to win and keep their World Cup hopes alive. They just got to half time. It's not looking good though.

  34. I had no idea OnLive had to be on used on a computer. Has it always been planned to be that way? Seriously if it has there is no way it could compete or replace console gaming. I am baffled by this now. It holds no appeal for me anymore. I have no desire to have to turn on and use my PC to play games. I love using a controller now. That fact was solidified when I rented Just Cause 2 for PS3 and played it for 3 weeks. Then when I had to finally return the game I downloaded it onto my Win7 pc. Horrible to control with Keyboard & Mouse. So I plugged in my wired 360 controller (on to find out one stick is jacked). So I went out and bought the plug and charge thing thinking USB was USB, but nope it doesn't send data just juice. POS now I refuse to play games on my PC.

  35. @slicky

    they are going to roll out a tv console soon but the date is still tbd.

    World Cup update: US scores 1 Slovenia 2.

  36. The sub fee to play games you buy turns me off but I was willing to try. Also read that SD is all they have now and that their HD will be 720. I use a 27inch iMac. No good for me anyway

  37. @smartguy

    I was reading the sub FAQ and saw that free first year thing and was going to try it. Is there addl fees besides the monthly sub?

  38. World Cup update: Final USA 2 Slovenia 2. The US keep their World Cup dreams alive but it could be in real danger if England wins big against Algeria later.

  39. not necessarily tokz

    usa now has 2 points

    slovenia has 4

    england will have 4

    and algeria 0

    usa will beat algeria, and england WILL beat slovenia

    final count

    usa 5

    slovenia 4

    england 7

    algeria 0

    ditka 23

  40. @thunder

    Really??? Slovenia can tie with England IMO. How can you seriously think that Ditka will only get 23 points??? Have you not seen him play soccer???

  41. lol

    im just saying we are rooting for england now…and needless to say, usa has to beat algeria

  42. @smartguy

    that's lame. what's the point of the sub fee then. I might as well just use Steam.

  43. @tokz

    I guess OnLive thinks that $5 per month is worth not being able to use wifi and bandwidth for their SD stream. I imagine it's like the crack dealer, get you hooked and then intro a new tier that allows wifi and HD for their previously mentioned $15 per month.

  44. @smartguy

    yeah i see your point. if anyone decides to bite the bullet and try it out let us know. but this is a definite pass now. Hey did you see they are offering unlocked iphones in Canada now, how fucked up is that!

  45. sadly they don't use 1700mhz. Oh well. Not too mention they won't ship it outside of said country.

  46. hey! I figured since you would be going on vacation maybe a trip across the northern border and getting one of these would be sweet.

  47. haha, if I were going that far I'd consider it. I'm just going on a fishing trip next week. Can't really do that around here right now, and I wanna give freshwater a try.

  48. @Tokz

    seriously never fished? You can't grow up where I live without it. (I like it was a prerequisite to get out of high school). We have a big lake, Lake Texoma, here.

  49. @slicky

    yeah dude im for serial. The only fishing ive done is in the Zelda games

  50. Have y'all seen the Youtube clip of the new 360 Slim eating a game.

    I guess they didn't change the design much at all. Also to prevent future RRoD, they took out the Red lights. I love MS. They make me smile.

  51. @slicky

    i didn't see it but that's good to know. Why would someone move their 360 while the game is loading anyways.

  52. @ Slicky and Tokz;

    Funny you mentioned that. I'm going (sea water) fishing for the first time in my life tomorrow. I gotta wake up at 4:00 a.m. and go down to the keys where me and a few other buddies are going to charter a boat and hopefully catch some dolphin and/or black fin tuna. Since I'm not a morning person, I was thinking that I could go home early and start sleeping at like 8:00 p.m. tonight or do the exact opposite and stay up all night long until 4:00 a.m. playing on my 360. Any suggestions?


    P.S.- The Marlins are sucking pretty bad now. I was hoping by me sporting their logo, I would help them win. Unfortunately, it seems like the Marlins are lost and damned… which brings me to my NEW gravatar and game I'm playing now in their honor.

    My next game after that will likely honor Florida's sitting governor; The Ballad of Gay Tony. (For those of you who do not follow Florida politics; Governor Christ is a closet homosexual. And, yes, there is evidence that supports this.)

  53. @slicky

    I've fished there before. Striped bass will attack and bite any lure lol


    SMG2 this weekend. I might be up for an arcade get together Saturday. 1943 or UNO. I'd have to buy anything else. Not a big deal though.

  54. @N8R

    challenge accepted.

    I've actually never played scrabble. See you tomorrow probably.

  55. @ Smartguy

    I'll give you some basic pointers. Having a super high vocab helps, but isn't even half the battle. It's really about how good you are at like text twist or word scramble games. And then, placing the words you find on the highest scoring spaces available.

    After all, it's all about score.

  56. @ Smartguy

    I have a few different jokes for that.

    1) Why does Apple want you to buy drugs?

    2) It's the gateway album. Next thing you know, you'll be in back alleys pleasuring old men for a Rihanna album.

    3) Who wants some Chronic from 1991?

    4) If iTunes recommends The Chronic, I bet Zune recommends Jar Of Flies.

    etc… and so on.

  57. ok so england tied algeria

    so england is in the exact same boat as the united states

  58. @N8R

    It said The Chronic 2001. I have no clue if there is a difference between 91 and 01 lol.

    I was tempted to buy it though. I did buy Billie Jean last week because iTunes said it was black musician week or month.

  59. @ Smartguy

    Yes, there is a difference, and Dre is set to release another Chronic album next year (every 10 years).

    I have them both if you want to hit me up on AIM.

  60. @ N8;

    Comment #2 had me busting out laughing.

    @ Tokz;

    You want to stay up with me playing something? What game can you play online all night up until 4 am? Oh, and no; I'm not driving a car or a boat. We chartered a boat with a captain and someone is going to pick me up.


  61. @n8r

    comedy gold with those chronic comments.


    i cant tonight. Heading to a fundraiser at a microbrewery than a bday party. Im sure you can ask onw of these fine gents. Big blak was asking to play some xbl games.

  62. Wow I went and looked at the post I made specifically to call Leahy Bleahy, and someone complained about it. If I didn't understand the comment structure, it probably wouldn't have pointed at him like I wanted it to. They remind me of why I never went back to G# after I figured out how to bypass the web blocker at work.

    Bet I get banned for this too

  63. I will be playing some Army of 2: 40th Day this weekend with one of my roommates, other than that hopefully getting back to some L4D if @Big Blak wants to play. Once the fiance leaves to go back home probably tomorrow then I should have a lot more free time for games.


    I might be up for some 1943 tomorrow night. I'm definitely not that great all the time, but I could use some friends to get the "be the best squad on all three maps" achievement if anyone else wants to join as well.

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