Housekeeping: Registration Coming Soon

Hey guys and gals! I’m strongly considering adding site registration for comments, but I wanted to see how you felt about it first. The good news is that it’ll keep other people from stealing your handles. The bad news is that it’ll require you to…er…register.

Ever since I posted that DS2 story at GDC 2010, the site has been getting a ton of comment spam. It’s not the usual variety that gets easily filtered by WordPress. It’s like spam 3.0 or something. Adding registration would help cut that out.

Anyway, let me know what you think and I’ll flip the switch (or not) by the end of the week.

Author: RPadTV

18 thoughts on “Housekeeping: Registration Coming Soon”

  1. dont care, firefox or IE should keep us logged in or at least save the passwords

  2. haha, ah, no sense of humor for that Rpad?

    Anyway I think registration is definitely a good thing. No reason to avoid it. just don’t email me every time you post a new article, lol

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