Verizon iPhone 4 Available on February 10, 2011

Here’s some space for us to discuss today’s 1/11/11 11AM Verizon press conference on the CDMA Apple iPhone 4. I will update the body of this story with tidbits from the Interwebz. I’m counting on you to bring your A-game to the comments section so we can discuss this pivotal moment in American mobile phone history. Let’s get to it!

7:55AM — A bunch of bloggers have noted that the backdrop is white. Think it means that Verizon will get the white iPhone?

7:58AM — My analyst friend says there are no signs of uber Apple execs. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re not there. They could be hiding. He’s convinced that one of them will make an appearance via FaceTime.

8:05AM A surprising amount of LTE talk so far. Do you think???

8:06AM Verizon CEO Lowell MacAdam mentions Apple as a partner (Engadget). Somewhere in America, a kitten dies. More importantly, the iPhone 4 will hit Verizon in early February.

8:09AM Apple COO Tim Cook appears. He’s not Steve Jobs, but he’s a pretty big deal.

8:11AM The iPhone 4 is on the Verizon site already.

8:14AM Verizon Dan Dee is touting Verizon’s network reliability. While I agree that Verizon is a better and more stable network that AT&T, it’s also slower. I wonder how customers that switch over will react to the lower speeds.

8:17AM The company is reassuring everyone that it’s prepared for the iPhone 4 and the network won’t crash with the influx of heavy data users. (Ars Technica)

8:18 Current customers can pre-order on February 3, 2011. Others can order on February 10, 2011. $199 for the 16Gb and $299 for the 32GB, both with a two-year contract.

8:19AM WiFi hotspot for up to five users is feature, similar to what Verizon offers for Android phones. Pricing information on this option wasn’t revealed.

Author: RPadTV

80 thoughts on “Verizon iPhone 4 Available on February 10, 2011”

  1. yeah so far it doesn't sound like they are announcing anything other than some across the board cloud service.

  2. It sounds like they're explaining what LTE is and what it's benefits are. i think everyone in that room should know that by now, no?

  3. is getting hammered right now lol. I saw the 16gb is 199 with 2yr contract. I'd need the 32.

  4. mobile hotspot included??? if that is just part of the data plan I'm f'n sold. Preorder imminent.

  5. I love that they are touting the LTE netowrk then announcing the iPhone4 that can't even use it.

  6. you should be able to pre-order these through the apple store too, right?

    if they include the hotspot with the unlimited data, i'll definitely switch too.

      1. @Ray

        This is true, but their minute plans seem stupid expensive. I'm also curious as to how Skype would work on this device since Verizon has a deal with Skype. I currently can use Skype over 3G on my ATT iPhone. I surprisingly get a lot of calls over Skype.

    1. @rpad

      I just saw that sprint is going to annouce something on 2/7/11. do you think it's your CDMA/Wimax iphone 4?

  7. It does come with Verizon's preloaded apps of Navigator and VCast. I need to hold off and see some reviews of how this crap acts before I buy it. I prefer my devices bloat free and that has been a trademark of any Apple product I buy.

    1. Hmmm, Verizon's FAQ says that VCast and Navigator are market apps.

      "iPhone will have the 3G Mobile Hotspot app pre-installed, and it will also have other popular apps available in the market such as VZ Navigator, and V CAST Media Manager."

      1. @Ray

        I wonder if that hotspot app was designed by Apple or Verizon?

        What do you think about Skype?

      2. I think it's Verizon's app, based on what I've read.

        As for Skype, I would hope that it went with the App Store version. It's much better than Verizon's gimped Skype.

      3. @Ray

        I'm quite excited about the prospect of using this device since Verizon's presence in my area has grown by leaps and bounds in the last year. I just need some info on plans, and gimpness.

  8. @Ray or anyone who knows

    If I paid Skype to be able to call landlines can I then receive calls from origins that aren't skype? In other words do I get a Skype number? Can I associate my GV number with it? I'm considering just getting smallest plan on Verizon (which I do on ATT anyway but with rollover) and paying Skype $40 per year for their service. Just curious if this would work.

      1. Give us your number or give us death!!!!

        On second thought you can keep your number and the death you were going to hand out.

  9. @ Google Voice

    I still don't like it much except for the whole VoiceMail thing. I tried getting a GV number but the only ones in my area are all long distance numbers.

  10. So they are putting out the iPhone4 on Verizon, the iPhone that was finally halfway able to multitask and Verizon's network doesn't support simultaneous voice and data usage???? WTF Verizon?

    1. @slicky

      haha. I was just reading an article on CNET saying the advantages att still has over Verizon and that was one of them but they did also mention that should be fixed my june or july. just in time for the iphone 5!

      1. You would think that if they were close to resolving it they would have mentioned it at the Presser, unless they really just wanted to avoid the issue entirely.

      2. i think they didn't mention it because it would be bad PR. it's like yeah we're claiming we're a better network than att and we've taken a lot of time & money to build this network to support the iphone but you cant make calls and use data at the same time, that's a big deal breaker for some people.

      3. The nonsimultaneous voice and data has to do with CDMA tech and not simply a fix. Moving the voice and data to operate on both IP via LTE is the solution. So I guess the article is right in the regard that it will be sorted out.

      4. @Tokz

        You can actually have the priority changed on the device to have incoming calls hit voicemail if you are using the data connection. If I'm not mistaken you can even setup forwarding and can forward it to skype. The limitation isn't a concern for me since I can have voicemail pick up instead of my grandfather or girlfriend killing my connection.

        I'd honestly hang up on someone if they called me and asked me for Google Map directions. Find your own way out or home lol.

      5. @smartguy

        Eh id really like being able to do both. Its not that people call me to look up things, its that sometimes im bored with the conversation and im trying to find something to entertain me, lol.

      6. @Tokz

        I generally just press the End button :P

        I don't chat on the phone. If you call to just bullshit with me, I'll either hang up or ninja log.

      7. @smartguy

        i've actually purchased a jailbroken app called iblacklist, it's good for blocking numbers and you can send them directly to voicemail and don't have to bother with choosing decline. people don't know this and blame my phone and i just go with it.

      8. @SG

        Actually there was supposed to be a device update called SVDO that would enable device to use 1x voice & EVDO data. The problem is there are any devices that use it yet. Maybe the iPhone will but as it stands it is CDMA only and won't be able to use the LTE networks.

      9. Not really irrelevant since the SVDO could be used on the entire existing network and LTE and WiMax are in very select locations for the time being.

      10. It's absolutely irrelevant. It would be moronic for either company to offer it on a high-end phone considering the aggressive build out of LTE and WiMax. Why offer something that costs more money to support and is pointless for the majority of customers in a year?

  11. Man, you guys are all phone nuts. I just don't know how y'all get so excited over mobile phones, carriers, network rollouts, and whatever the hell CDMA means.

    I am glad that you guys know your stuff, though. Whenever I get around to getting a new phone, I'm going to ask everyone here first of what I should go with.


  12. @Slicky

    It wouldn't be financially prudent to spend the money on the SVDO upgrade for the network in addition having the OEMs produce SVDO devices. LTE and WiMax are fixing to be put into buildout overdrive.

    1. @SG

      I was under the impression that is was just a phone upgrade and that the network was already capable of it with the phone revision.

      1. @Slicky

        No, it's a minor (relatively speaking) hardware upgrade. The radio transmitters are fine, but new switches would have to be installed for the "two way" band. Then there is the software deployment.

        As far as the devices go, the OEMs would have to utilize a chipset that would take advantage of this. Similar to the difference between HSPA, HSPA+.

        Now that you have me thinking, I wonder if any minor US CDMA/EVDO carrier uses this? I think this is mainly deployed in China since the chinese operate a fairly large CDMA network as does India.

        Ha!, that's why Apple did the CDMA iphone…for China and India. Verizon US is just lagniappe.

    1. I'm going to suggest you watch Netflix via your 360, but something tells me that you already beat me to it.


    1. @smartguy

      do you really think that Sprint would shell out money for David Blaine to perform for a new pricing scheme?

      it is a brilliant app cuz you can also choose for them to hear nothing but a busy signal, have it take no action at all and it keeps ringing or accept the call and have it hang up. you can also block text messages too! best 7.99 i've spent so far!

  13. @Tokz
    Sure why wouldn't they? TV commercials and sponsoring NASCAR isn't cheaper I'm sure.

    I don't care what Sprint does since their presence is very poor in my area but I'll probably look tomorrow to see what trick he'll do.

    Aside from another of the countless devices running Android what can they offer as an industry first?? Free texting? Cheaper plans? Smartphones that only require data packages?

  14. @smartguy

    the NASCAR deal was originally from Nextel, they just kept it because of that merger or buyout, whatever you want to call it.

    The only thing i can think of is that CDMA/Wimax phone that rpad speculated on yesterday. This is the only thing i can think of that would be a considered an industry first from them.

    1. @smartguy

      i forgot to put the letter i after CDMA/WiMax phone. It should read CDMA/WiMax iphone.

    1. @smartguy

      oh! that's a good one. I never would've thought of that one. a glasses-less 3D phone. I wonder how much that would cost without a contract.

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