Bulletstorm Epic Edition Includes Gears of War 3 Beta

Electronic Arts has announced that the “Epic Edition” of Bulletstorm will include early access to the highly anticipated beta for Gears of War 3. Here’s a clip from the official press release:

Epic Games and EA are blowing out the launch of Bulletstorm with access to the public beta for Gears of War 3, the spectacular conclusion to one of the most memorable and celebrated sagas in video games. Players that purchase the Epic Edition are guaranteed early access to the Gears of War 3 beta. Pre-order now to reserve a copy of the Epic Edition which will be available on Feb. 22, 2011 for MSRP $59.99, only for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system, while supplies last.

Well, I guess the Xbox 360 version of Bulletstorm will trounce the PlayStation 3 version. Ha! Seriously though, will any of you buy the  Epic Edition to get Gears 3 beta privileges? Pretty tempting, hey? (Also, pre-order from Amazon using the link above!)

Author: RPadTV


6 thoughts on “Bulletstorm Epic Edition Includes Gears of War 3 Beta”

    1. I'm with SG on this one. I can't stand that game with all of its sluggish glory and whole clip to kill a bad guy (no disrespect to Cliffy B) guns. Yes I know there are other weapons but I hate the run, shoot, take cover, shoot blindly, run, take cover, get killed, take cover, run sluggishly, shoot, and take cover gameplay of Gears.

      If that is the only incentive with purchasing the epic edition then count me out.

      1. @BB

        Exactly. The clip thing you mentioned is another reason I don't care for Halo MP anymore either. I seriously do not know why there is an assault rifle in the game.

        Besides I like my shoot'em ups to have destructible environments now like BC2.

      2. You should try Team Swat multiplayer mode in Halo: Reach. One headshot, one kill. You can kill five to eight people before reloading your DMR's clip.


  1. Gears of War 3 has become one of the games I am looking forward to, but partially because there are so few other games I am actually looking forward to (Gears 3, Bulletstorm, Portal 2, and Pokemon Black/White). I guess that all depends on how much more the Epic Edition is than the regular, but I can probably just wait for the actual game to come out.

    Bulletstorm looks so much cooler than Gears 3, but for most people this is a way to help boost sales.

  2. Although I am looking forward to Gears of War 3, I'm not going to buy (or pre-order) a $60 game I've never heard of just to play the beta.

    I can wait.


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