What Are You Playing This Weekend?

This will surprise some of you: I’m going to try to play Call of Duty: Blacks Ops this weekend. It’s not my usual deal, but some friends of mine are trying to rope me into playing online…and I’ll probably oblige them so that they’ll shut up. Aside from that, I need to get some SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 game time in, as well as my usual WordFeud for Android juggling. To be completely honest, there’s a chance I’ll disappear for a few hours this afternoon to catch Harry Potter 7a.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


21 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. I'm going to try to get some gaming in. It's not a busy weekend but i know i wont be home. If i do get to to play it will be some Black Ops (@Rpad are you playing the 360 version?) some L4D2, hopefully some NHL11 i think that's it.

  2. Sadly I have a final on Tuesday I have to study for (more appropriately would be cram for).

    If I do play anything it will be some more MoH. Picked it up again on Wednesday and enjoyed it.

  3. Rage on my iPad. Maybe some Falcon Gunner on my iPhone. Check both of those games out if you can. Falcon Gunner is an augmented reality game I'm enjoying very much. Rage is just amazing looking.

    Going to Hornets game tonight and Saints game on Sunday, hence the mobile gaming.

  4. I've more or less fallen in love w/ Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. If anyone else out there has it, I'm looking for someone to play online w/.

  5. Working at my aunts house this weekend, and I need to do a bunch of homework. I hate all the assignments that professors pile on at the end of the semester, especially when I hate the class topics to begin with. Ready for this semester to be done- hell I'm ready for next semester to be done already too. College has been boring for the past 2 years, I am just ready to graduate. I will probably just be playing more Pokemon HeartGold this weekend though.

  6. Well, since the Dolphins sucked worse than a Dyson giving head to Ron Jeremy in the middle of a tornado, I've banned them from being my Gravatar (until they can redeem themselves) and gone back to illustrating the game I'm currently playing.

    For those of you who don't recognize the sexiest female lead in a game (EVER), it's Bayonetta (or Cereza… oops, sorry- spoiler alert. Ah, what the hell, it's not like you're going to understand the story anyway). I'm eight achievements away from beating the game, so I'm going to try to finish that up this weekend, but going to the Hurricanes/Va. Tech game is going to cut into my gaming time on Saturday. I may get some Halo Reach in, but I doubt it. There's a reason I only like to play one game at a time.

    After I'm done with Bayonetta, I have Bioshock 2 and Fallout 3 in the queue, but I'm planning to buy Dead Rising 2 and Batman: AA since I really want to play those games as well. ARRGGGHH!!! So many good games, not enough time!


      1. I've wanted to play Batman: AA, but haven't gotten that far yet. I've still gotta play Mass Effect though and I'm too involved with Pokemon right now anyways.

    1. Wow, a consensus! Well if Smartguy and Nightshade can both agree on this, I just HAVE to play this game next now.


      Don't worry, I haven't gotten around to playing Mass Effect, either. I do have to say that I may forgo that game on principle alone since I hear that the DRM waters-down the game if you buy it used. That's not cool with me.


      1. Nothing removed will break the game. All the "new game" bonuses are is extra Characters/Side Quests. I think they did a good job keeping the buy new incentive just an incentive.

      1. Awesome. I’m 50% Italian anyway. I already know all the curse words, cause my Grandmother would switch to Italian whenever she didn’t want the grand-kids to know what she was saying.

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