Does This PlayStation Move Infographic Scream Desperation?

With Kinect for Xbox 360 and PlayStation Move for PlayStation 3, the console wars have a new wrinkle. Kinect has been selling out all over the place, while Move has put up some good, but hardly earth shattering, numbers. Sony recently sent out this infographic to show how well Move is doing. It’s nice…but feels a bit desperate to me. I understand that Move isn’t backed by the ridiculous marketing budget Kinect enjoys, but I don’t think that Sony needs to issue “hey, we’re cool too!” infographics. It looks weak to me.

Then again, that’s just my opinion. What’s yours? Check out the infographic and share your thoughts (please)!

Author: RPadTV

5 thoughts on “Does This PlayStation Move Infographic Scream Desperation?”

  1. It feels very subliminal to me. I feel that the info graphic looks like the latest issue of "teen girl" magazine in that it has random big numbers, percentages and cute little PlayStation icons plastered about. If I were a weak minded consumer I would totally fall for this lol. It gives you reason why you should own Move and why people are buying it. Lame.

  2. I haven't been following the whole motion gaming thing, mostly because I wish it would go away. If I had to choose one though, I would pick the one without the hand held toys.

  3. I don't think Sony has done enough to differentiate itself from the Wii honestly. It looks like Wii HD to the average consumer….at a much higher price point. Where as the Kinect looks different and thus will draw more interest from the average consumer.

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