Watch Jay-Z Ride the Subway to a Performance

Here’s a cool documentary that covers Jay-Z’s performances at the new Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY. It’s a nice behind-the-scenes look at the artist and one of the hottest new arenas in the country. There’s a really cute moment around the 19:20 mark where Jay-Z takes the subway to Barclays. He converses with an elderly woman that asks him about what he does and if he’s famous. Upon realizing that he’s Jay-Z, the woman remarks, “Oh, your’re Jay-Z! I know about Jay-Z!”

It’s a very cool and cute moment. I think it’s awesome that Jay-Z rides the subway (albeit with a security team in tow) like a real person. If he wanted to, I’m sure he could by his own subway car. It’s nice to see him mixing and mingling with the normals.

Anyway, check out the video when you have a chance and please share your thoughts on it in the comments section.

[Thanks to my darling Glenda for sharing the video!]

Author: RPadTV