Lusting For the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

While I’m not the least bit interested in the new Kindle Fire HD tablets, I’m terribly excited for the Kindle Paperwhite. This is the e-reader of my dreams! It offers the great benefits of e-ink (fantastic battery life, low eyestrain) with the addition of front-lighting. The lighting scheme isn’t the only exciting thing though. Check out some of the new features of the Kindle Paperwhite:

  • 212 pixels per inch (62 percent more pixels than the previous model)
  • 25 percent more contrast than last year’s version
  • Eight weeks of battery life with the light on
  • New, adjustable fonts (including my all-time favorite, Palatino!)

The last book I read on my iPad was A Dance With Dragons. There were times when I simply had to stop reading because the iPad’s LCD was roasting my eyes. Keep in mind that I do a lot of reading late at night and in bed. The front-lit screen of the Kindle Paperwhite is perfect for me. The higher pixel density and improved contrast are most welcomed too.

The Kindle Paperwhite ships on October 1, 2012. It costs $119 with advertising and $139 without. This is a definite purchase for me and I know that RPadholic smartguy is down for one as well. How about the rest of you? Are you psyched for the Kindle Paperwhite?

Author: RPadTV

3 thoughts on “Lusting For the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite”

  1. This would definitely be something I look into getting for my wife. But she currently wants one of the Samsung tablets instead.

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