Powerfox & Ponymane Beatles Mashup

This has been a stressful week for a variety of reasons. Thankfully, it’s Friday! Let’s try to kick off the weekend with shiny happy feelings. You know what always makes me happy? Listening to Powerfox & Ponymane! Watch and listen to these lovely ladies mash up a pair of songs by The Beatles. Hopefully it puts a smile on your face. Happy Friday!

Author: RPadTV


4 thoughts on “Powerfox & Ponymane Beatles Mashup”

  1. Their voices were screechy, the acoustics were bad, the quality of their recording is poor, and the “Short Circuit 2” poster in the background should be burned at the altar of crappy 80’s movie sequels, but other than that, it was great!


    P.S. Today sucks! Half the people at work decided to take Thursday and Friday off and guess who has to pick up the slack?

  2. Ah two of my favorite beatles song. It was pretty good! It made me look for my white album cd. I think thats my favorite album followed by revolver.

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