Diablo III Questions Wanted

Later this afternoon I’ll be trekking to Irvine (The OC!!!) for Blizzard’s Diablo III launch festivities. In addition to grabbing some cool footage of Blizzard fans enjoying the event, I have interviews with art director Christian Lichtner and game director Jay Wilson scheduled. Please let me know if you have any questions for these awesome creators. Naturally, I’ll  give you credit in the video…so you can be immortal like Hulk Hogan.

Author: RPadTV


3 thoughts on “Diablo III Questions Wanted”

  1. I've never played a Diablo game ever… so what would make me (a Diablo virgin) want to get this game?

  2. My question to Jay would be similar to N8's. Although, I have played a Diablo game (just the first one- years ago- and I didn't finish it. I got somewhere around 20 floors in and it got too difficult on that one level I was stuck on and quit the game altogether).

    Given my previous experience, why should I go back to playing Diablo? Would I have had to play Diablo 2 or beaten the first game to understand or make any sense of what is going on in Diablo 3?

    To Cristian I would like to ask: "Why was the game visually altered after a few loud-mouthed people complained about the way the game looked in the initial screen shots that were released?"



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