Competing with Dropbox, Skydrive, Box, and more, Google has launched the Google Drive cloud storage service. Users get 5GB of storage for free, with up to 16TB — yes, terabytes — for an additional fee. Google Drive currently works with Mac OS, Windows, and Android. iOS devices will be supported soon.
Like many of you RPadholics, I’m an avid Dropbox user. However, I’m totally willing to give Google Drive a shot. I’m tied to so many other Google services (Gmail, Google Docs, Google+, Google Voice, etc.) that tight cloud integration with Google Drive would be best. Sadly, Google Drive isn’t available on any of my four Google accounts (two Gmail, two Google Apps). I’ll have to wait to see if Google Drive will serve me as well as Dropbox.
Any of you excited about Google Drive? Do you have access yet?
I'm a bit skeptical of this service. I've been reading that it will not open a stand alone Excel file without using chrome or being connected.
Hmm. Skydrive and Dropbox are hard to beat. I think iCloud is pretty useless.