What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Top secret Mac game is still getting heavy play time. That’s all I should say about that, unless I want a quick beheading by vorpal blade. Aside from that, I’m hoping to play more Quarrel  on Xbox 360 with you guys and dolls. I had fun playing with a bunch of you last night and it looks like several of you are digging the game. It’s a fun mix of wordplay, light strategy, funny sounds, and cute characters. Let’s play!

So what’s on your weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


5 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. I have no idea… Possibly finish going through legendary difficulty on Halo Anniversary with Bsukenyan mixed in with some Joe Danger.

    I recently bought $100 worth of TPB's so I can finally get around to reading through the Ultimatum event in Marvel's Ultimate line. I got pissed that the Ultimatum companion book that I bought did not include THE ACTUAL ULTIMATUM EVENT! … just the "before" and "after" parts. It also left out the prequel "March-On" part that the dust jacket said it includes.

    F-U, Marvel! Get your sh#t together. One moment I'm reading about how all the heroes are going to tussle with Magneto and then the next page: everyone's dead! WTF?!


  2. I have no idea… Possibly some Halo Anniversary with Iceman. I also got Witcher 2 from work for the weekend, since Smartguy raves about it, and I'm looking forward to getting to play some of it.

    Also planning on going to c2e2 with Tokz tomorrow so probably not much gaming then. If people are playing quarrel tonight then hopefully I will be able to jump in too. I've already gotten my wife addicted to the game as well, but she does have the disadvantage of not being as nimble with a controller as I am.

  3. I ended up getting Crysis and it is the first full fledged game that I downloaded, it's kind of a big deal haha, not really, but it does feel good to finally break the ice.

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