Netflix Picks: The Wedding Banquet

Isn’t this the month that we’re supposed to cancel our Netflix subscriptions because of the price hike?!? Ha! Before you do that, I urge you to check out The Wedding Banquet. This recent addition to Netflix streaming is one of my favorite films of all time. It covers New York, Asian-American issues, generational-gap issues, cross-cultural issues, and homosexual issues. It’s a fantastic movie that will make you laugh, cry, and think. Please, please, please check it out before you cancel your Netflix sub!

Now its your turn to suggest one movie we should all watch. Please make sure it’s available on Netflix streaming.

Author: RPadTV

8 thoughts on “Netflix Picks: The Wedding Banquet”

  1. I for one am not getting rid of Netflix unless companies keep jumping ship.

    Everyone needs to watch any Donnie Yen movie on Netflix, not only is he a terrific actor, he also kicks ass.

      1. Actually I haven't seen any Highlander movie. Every Friday night/morning a few guys and I have Flashback Friday where we party watch movies on Netflix and we have been watching Donnie Yen movies and Highlander is on the list. Last time I checked all the Highlander movies were available for instant stream.

    1. I'm about to watch that sometime too. I know a lot of people who say it doesn't really get good or captivating until season 2 or 3. I honestly don't know why it never got cancelled. When the first season came out I watched a lot of it and couldn't stand it.

  2. I won't be getting rid of netflix, I already switched to streaming only. It's not like I ever used the disc anyways.

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